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目前正在学习 `PHP` 反序列化,因此想顺着反序列化工具 `PHPGGC` 跟一下其中的链,巩固学习。本文是对 `CodeIgniter4` 反序列化的分析,有不对的地方,还请大佬们斧正。
前言 -- 目前正在学习 `PHP` 反序列化,因此想顺着反序列化工具 `PHPGGC` 跟一下其中的链,巩固学习。本文是对 `CodeIgniter4` 反序列化的分析,有不对的地方,还请大佬们斧正。 目录 -- - `CodeIgniter4 RCE1` - `CodeIgniter4 RCE2` - `CodeIgniter4 FD1` CodeIgniter4 RCE1 ----------------- ### 环境搭建 可以从这里获取环境 [传送门](https://github.com/N0puple/php-unserialize-lib/tree/main/CodeIgniter4/CodeIgniter4%E5%8F%8D%E5%BA%8F%E5%88%97%E5%8C%96%E9%93%BE%20RCE1) 执行如下命令启动一个 `CodeIgniter4.0.0-rc.4` 的环境: ```php docker-compose up -d ``` 访问 <http://x.x.x.x/> ,看到 `hello world` 既搭建成功 漏洞测试代码如下,在环境中都准备好了,可以直接用 ```php <?php namespace App\Controllers; class Home extends BaseController { public function index() { if(isset($_POST['a'])) { unserialize(base64_decode($_POST['a'])); } else { return "hello world"; } #return view('welcome_message'); } } ``` ### 命令执行调用链 ```php system/Validation/Validation.php::processRules system/Validation/Validation.php::run system/Model.php::validate system/Model.php::trigger system/Model.php::delete system/Session/Handlers/MemcachedHandler.php::close system/Cache/Handlers/RedisHandler.php::__destruct ``` ### 细节分析 `CodeIgniter` 的 `__destruct` 或者 `__wakeup` 这种常用的入口点极少,这次搜索只搜索到了三个 `__destruct` ,其中一个可用 ```php system/Cache/Handlers/RedisHandler.php ``` ```php public function __destruct() { if ($this->redis) { $this->redis->close(); } } ``` 这里我们就可以调用任意类的 `close` 方法,然后全局搜索可用的 `close` ```php system/Session/Handlers/MemcachedHandler.php ``` ```php public function close(): bool { if (isset($this->memcached)) { isset($this->lockKey) && $this->memcached->delete($this->lockKey); if (! $this->memcached->quit()) { return false; } $this->memcached = null; return true; } return false; } ``` 这时可以调用任意类的 `delete` 方法,并且参数可控,全局搜索 `delete` 我们跟进 `system/Model.php` 的 `delete` 方法 ```php public function delete($id = null, bool $purge = false) { if (! empty($id) && is_numeric($id)) { $id = [$id]; } $builder = $this->builder(); if (! empty($id)) { $builder = $builder->whereIn($this->primaryKey, $id); } $this->trigger('beforeDelete', ['id' => $id, 'purge' => $purge]); if ($this->useSoftDeletes && ! $purge) { if (empty($builder->getCompiledQBWhere())) { if (CI_DEBUG) { throw new DatabaseException('Deletes are not allowed unless they contain a "where" or "like" clause.'); } return false; } $set[$this->deletedField] = $this->setDate(); if ($this->useTimestamps && ! empty($this->updatedField)) { $set[$this->updatedField] = $this->setDate(); } $result = $builder->update($set); } else { $result = $builder->delete(); } $this->trigger('afterDelete', ['id' => $id, 'purge' => $purge, 'result' => $result, 'data' => null]); return $result; } ``` `$id` 是我们可控的,只要设置 `$id` 为字符串,那么就不会变成数组(变成数组在后面会麻烦一点),我们可以来到 ```php $builder = $this->builder(); if (! empty($id)) { $builder = $builder->whereIn($this->primaryKey, $id); } ``` 这里需要顺利通过,`$this->primaryKey` 与 `$id` 都是可控的,我们进入 `$this->builder();` ```php protected function builder(string $table = null) { if ($this->builder instanceof BaseBuilder) { return $this->builder; } if (empty($this->primaryKey)) { throw ModelException::forNoPrimaryKey(get_class($this)); } $table = empty($table) ? $this->table : $table; if (! $this->db instanceof BaseConnection) { $this->db = Database::connect($this->DBGroup); } $this->builder = $this->db->table($table); return $this->builder; } ``` 其实下面的代码不用关注,我们只要满足 `$this->builder instanceof BaseBuilder` 即可成功返回,而这个 `$builder` 又需要存在 `whereIn` 方法,我们全局搜索这个方法,只发现一处位于 `system/Database/BaseBuilder.php` 的 `BaseBuilder` 类中,因此我们可以直接 `new` 一个 `BaseBuilder` 或者他的子类 我们跟进这个 `whereIn` 方法 ```php public function whereIn(string $key = null, $values = null, bool $escape = null) { return $this->_whereIn($key, $values, false, 'AND ', $escape); } ``` 继续跟进 `$this->_whereIn` ```php protected function _whereIn(string $key = null, $values = null, bool $not = false, string $type = 'AND ', bool $escape = null, string $clause = 'QBWhere') { if ($key === null || $values === null || (! is_array($values) && ! ($values instanceof Closure))) { return $this; } is_bool($escape) || $escape = $this->db->protectIdentifiers; $ok = $key; ``` 这里表示,只要满足上面三个条件之一,就可以成功返回,而 `$key` 是可控的,控制 `$this->primaryKey` 为 `null` 就可以顺利返回 接下来我们就进入 `trigger` 方法 ```php $this->trigger('beforeDelete', ['id' => $id, 'purge' => $purge]); ``` ```php protected function trigger(string $event, array $eventData) { // Ensure it's a valid event if (! isset($this->{$event}) || empty($this->{$event})) { return $eventData; } foreach ($this->{$event} as $callback) { if (! method_exists($this, $callback)) { throw DataException::forInvalidMethodTriggered($callback); } $eventData = $this->{$callback}($eventData); } return $eventData; } ``` 这里几乎都是可控的,我们可以通过下面这一句进入 `Model` 类的任意一个方法,并且参数部分可控 ```php $eventData = $this->{$callback}($eventData); ``` 这里我们选择 validate 方法 ```php public function validate($data): bool { if ($this->skipValidation === true || empty($this->validationRules) || empty($data)) { return true; } // Query Builder works with objects as well as arrays, // but validation requires array, so cast away. if (is_object($data)) { $data = (array) $data; } $rules = $this->validationRules; // ValidationRules can be either a string, which is the group name, // or an array of rules. if (is_string($rules)) { $rules = $this->validation->loadRuleGroup($rules); } $rules = $this->cleanValidationRules ? $this->cleanValidationRules($rules, $data) : $rules; // If no data existed that needs validation // our job is done here. if (empty($rules)) { return true; } // Replace any placeholders (i.e. {id}) in the rules with // the value found in $data, if exists. $rules = $this->fillPlaceholders($rules, $data); $this->validation->setRules($rules, $this->validationMessages); $valid = $this->validation->run($data, null, $this->DBGroup); return (bool) $valid; } ``` 从第一句开始看起,`$this->skipValidation` 可控,可以跳过,`$this->validationRules` 可控,因此 `$rules` 可控,不是字符串就能跳过下面那句,一直来到最后两句 ```php $this->validation->setRules($rules, $this->validationMessages); $valid = $this->validation->run($data, null, $this->DBGroup); ``` 这里的 `$this->validation` 我们设置成 `system/Validation/Validation.php` 中类 `Validation` 的实例化对象,因为只有他是拥有 `setRules` 方法的 来看 `setRules` 方法,比较简单,作用就是设置 `$rules` ```php public function setRules(array $rules, array $errors = []): ValidationInterface { $this->customErrors = $errors; foreach ($rules as $field => &$rule) { if (is_array($rule)) { if (array_key_exists('errors', $rule)) { $this->customErrors[$field] = $rule['errors']; unset($rule['errors']); } } } $this->rules = $rules; return $this; } ``` 这里需要注意的是 `$this->rules` 是由参数传进来的,也就是上面的 `getValidationRules` 方法中的 `$this->validationRules` ,因此要注意 `$rules` 的值由 `Model` 类来设置,而不是 `Validation` 类 来到 `run` 方法 ```php public function run(array $data = null, string $group = null, string $db_group = null): bool { $data = $data ?? $this->data; // i.e. is_unique $data['DBGroup'] = $db_group; $this->loadRuleSets(); $this->loadRuleGroup($group); // If no rules exist, we return false to ensure // the developer didn't forget to set the rules. if (empty($this->rules)) { return false; } // Need this for searching arrays in validation. helper('array'); // Run through each rule. If we have any field set for // this rule, then we need to run them through! foreach ($this->rules as $rField => $rSetup) { // Blast $rSetup apart, unless it's already an array. $rules = $rSetup['rules'] ?? $rSetup; if (is_string($rules)) { $rules = $this->splitRules($rules); } $value = dot_array_search($rField, $data); $this->processRules($rField, $rSetup['label'] ?? $rField, $value ?? null, $rules, $data); } return ! empty($this->getErrors()) ? false : true; } ``` 接下来进入这两个方法,我们注意 `$this->loadRuleSets();` ```php $this->loadRuleSets(); $this->loadRuleGroup($group); ``` ```php protected function loadRuleSets() { if (empty($this->ruleSetFiles)) { throw ValidationException::forNoRuleSets(); } foreach ($this->ruleSetFiles as $file) { $this->ruleSetInstances[] = new $file(); } } ``` 这里主要是需要注意,要找一个构造函数不需要传入参数的类,比如 `Config\Database` `loadRuleGroup` 方法比较简单,可以直接返回,继续往下走,进入 `for` 循环 我们的 `$rules` 不为字符串,就可以直接来到 `dot_array_search($rField, $data);` ```php function dot_array_search(string $index, array $array) { $segments = explode('.', rtrim(rtrim($index, '* '), '.')); return _array_search_dot($segments, $array); } ``` `explode` 以点分割后跟进 `_array_search_dot` ```php function _array_search_dot(array $indexes, array $array) { // Grab the current index $currentIndex = $indexes ? array_shift($indexes) : null; if (empty($currentIndex) || (! isset($array[$currentIndex]) && $currentIndex !== '*')) { return null; } // Handle Wildcard (*) if ($currentIndex === '*') { ... } if (empty($indexes)) { return $array[$currentIndex]; } // Do we need to recursively search this value? if (is_array($array[$currentIndex]) && $array[$currentIndex]) { return _array_search_dot($indexes, $array[$currentIndex]); } // Otherwise we've found our match! return $array[$currentIndex]; } ``` 这里从 `$indexes` 中取出一个值,需要在 `$array` 中存在以这个值为键的值,不然就会返回 `null` ,接下来 `$indexes` 中没有值就返回,有就继续该操作 由于参数可控,所以返回的值我们是可控的,我们继续进入 ```php $this->processRules($rField, $rSetup['label'] ?? $rField, $value ?? null, $rules, $data); ``` 这里的参数,全部都是可控的 ```php protected function processRules(string $field, string $label = null, $value, $rules = null, array $data): bool { // If the if_exist rule is defined... if (in_array('if_exist', $rules)) { ...... } if (in_array('permit_empty', $rules)) { ...... } foreach ($rules as $rule) { $callable = is_callable($rule); $passed = false; // Rules can contain parameters: max_length[5] $param = false; if (! $callable && preg_match('/(.*?)\[(.*)\]/', $rule, $match)) { $rule = $match[1]; $param = $match[2]; } // Placeholder for custom errors from the rules. $error = null; // If it's a callable, call and and get out of here. if ($callable) { $passed = $param === false ? $rule($value) : $rule($value, $param, $data); } else { ...... } ...... } return true; } ``` 注意到这个方法中存在 `$rule($value)` ,很明显是可以执行命令的,只要我们可以让参数可控就可以了 我们不进入 `if` 语句,直接来到 `foreach` ,使得 `$rules` 中有一个值是可回调的,这样就可以进入 ```php $passed = $param === false ? $rule($value) : $rule($value, $param, $data); ``` `$rule` 与 `$value` 可控,因此可以命令执行 CodeIgniter4 RCE2 ----------------- ### 环境搭建 环境搭建部分同上,环境可以从这里获取 [传送门](https://github.com/N0puple/php-unserialize-lib/tree/main/CodeIgniter4/CodeIgniter4%E5%8F%8D%E5%BA%8F%E5%88%97%E5%8C%96%E9%93%BE%20RCE2) 执行如下命令启动一个 `CodeIgniter4.0.4` 的环境: ```php docker-compose up -d ``` ### 命令执行调用链 ```php system/Validation/Validation.php::processRules system/Validation/Validation.php::run system/Model.php::validate system/Model.php::trigger system/Model.php::delete system/Session/Handlers/MemcachedHandler.php::close system/Cache/Handlers/RedisHandler.php::__destruct ``` ### 细节分析 从上面的命令执行调用链来看,这条链与 `RCE1` 这条链是一样的,从其影响范围来看也是无缝衔接,因此这两条链实际上属于同一条,只不过各版本之间存在着细微的差别,这条链就不过于详细地讲了,主要看存在差别的位置。 前面是一样的,同一个 `__destruct` 调用 `close` 后调用 `delete` 方法 这时可以调用任意类的 `delete` 方法,并且参数可控,全局搜索 `delete` 我们跟进 `system/Model.php` 的 `delete` 方法 ```php public function delete($id = null, bool $purge = false) { if (! empty($id) && (is_numeric($id) || is_string($id))) { $id = [$id]; } $builder = $this->builder(); if (! empty($id)) { $builder = $builder->whereIn($this->primaryKey, $id); } $this->trigger('beforeDelete', ['id' => $id, 'purge' => $purge]); if ($this->useSoftDeletes && ! $purge) { if (empty($builder->getCompiledQBWhere())) { if (CI_DEBUG) { throw new DatabaseException('Deletes are not allowed unless they contain a "where" or "like" clause.'); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart return false; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } $set[$this->deletedField] = $this->setDate(); if ($this->useTimestamps && ! empty($this->updatedField)) { $set[$this->updatedField] = $this->setDate(); } $result = $builder->update($set); } else { $result = $builder->delete(); } $this->trigger('afterDelete', ['id' => $id, 'purge' => $purge, 'result' => $result, 'data' => null]); return $result; } ``` `$id` 是我们可控的,这里与之前有一点点不同,最后得到的 `$id` 必然是一个数组(这里很重要),我们可以来到 ```php $builder = $this->builder(); if (! empty($id)) { $builder = $builder->whereIn($this->primaryKey, $id); } ``` 这里需要顺利通过,`$this->primaryKey` 与 `$id` 都是可控的,我们进入 `$this->builder();` ```php protected function builder(string $table = null) { if ($this->builder instanceof BaseBuilder) { return $this->builder; } if (empty($this->primaryKey)) { throw ModelException::forNoPrimaryKey(get_class($this)); } $table = empty($table) ? $this->table : $table; if (! $this->db instanceof BaseConnection) { $this->db = Database::connect($this->DBGroup); } $this->builder = $this->db->table($table); return $this->builder; } ``` 其实下面的代码不用关注,我们只要满足 `$this->builder instanceof BaseBuilder` 即可成功返回,而这个 `$builder` 又需要存在 `whereIn` 方法,我们全局搜索这个方法,只发现一处位于 `system/Database/BaseBuilder.php` 的 `BaseBuilder` 类中,因此我们可以直接 `new` 一个 `BaseBuilder` 或者他的子类 接下来我们就进入 `trigger` 方法 ```php $this->trigger('beforeDelete', ['id' => $id, 'purge' => $purge]); ``` ```php protected function trigger(string $event, array $eventData) { $allowed = $this->tempAllowCallbacks; $this->tempAllowCallbacks = $this->allowCallbacks; if (! $allowed) { return $eventData; } // Ensure it's a valid event if (! isset($this->{$event}) || empty($this->{$event})) { return $eventData; } foreach ($this->{$event} as $callback) { if (! method_exists($this, $callback)) { throw DataException::forInvalidMethodTriggered($callback); } $eventData = $this->{$callback}($eventData); } return $eventData; } ``` 这里几乎都是可控的,我们可以通过下面这一句进入 `Model` 类的任意一个方法,并且参数部分可控 ```php $eventData = $this->{$callback}($eventData); ``` 这里我们选择 validate 方法 ```php public function validate($data): bool { $rules = $this->getValidationRules(); if ($this->skipValidation === true || empty($rules) || empty($data)) { return true; } // Query Builder works with objects as well as arrays, // but validation requires array, so cast away. if (is_object($data)) { $data = (array) $data; } // ValidationRules can be either a string, which is the group name, // or an array of rules. if (is_string($rules)) { $rules = $this->validation->loadRuleGroup($rules); } $rules = $this->cleanValidationRules ? $this->cleanValidationRules($rules, $data) : $rules; // If no data existed that needs validation // our job is done here. if (empty($rules)) { return true; } $this->validation->setRules($rules, $this->validationMessages); $valid = $this->validation->run($data, null, $this->DBGroup); return (bool) $valid; } ``` 从第一句开始看起,跟进 `$this->getValidationRules()` ```php public function getValidationRules(array $options = []): array { $rules = $this->validationRules; // ValidationRules can be either a string, which is the group name, // or an array of rules. if (is_string($rules)) { $rules = $this->validation->loadRuleGroup($rules); } if (isset($options['except'])) { $rules = array_diff_key($rules, array_flip($options['except'])); } elseif (isset($options['only'])) { $rules = array_intersect_key($rules, array_flip($options['only'])); } return $rules; } ``` `$this->validationRules` 可控,`$rules` 是字符串类型的时候,我们需要进入 `$this->validation->loadRuleGroup($rules)` ,并且需要成功返回,因此我们使 `$rules` 不为字符串类型,可以让他是一个数组类型 继续上面的 `validate` 方法,`$this->skipValidation` 可控,`$data` 就是之前的 `$eventData` 数组,然后又是一次 `loadRuleGroup` ,但这里我们又可以直接跳过 继续下去,`$this->cleanValidationRules` 可控,将其设置成 `false` ,就可以直接来到最后两句 ```php $this->validation->setRules($rules, $this->validationMessages); $valid = $this->validation->run($data, null, $this->DBGroup); ``` 这里的 `$this->validation` 我们设置成 `system/Validation/Validation.php` 中类 `Validation` 的实例化对象,因为只有他是拥有 `setRules` 方法的 来看 `setRules` 方法,比较简单,作用就是设置 `$rules` ```php public function setRules(array $rules, array $errors = []): ValidationInterface { $this->customErrors = $errors; foreach ($rules as $field => &$rule) { if (is_array($rule)) { if (array_key_exists('errors', $rule)) { $this->customErrors[$field] = $rule['errors']; unset($rule['errors']); } } } $this->rules = $rules; return $this; } ``` 这里需要注意的是 `$this->rules` 是由参数传进来的,也就是上面的 `getValidationRules` 方法中的 `$this->validationRules` ,因此要注意 `$rules` 的值由 `Model` 类来设置,而不是 `Validation` 类 来到 `run` 方法 ```php public function run(array $data = null, string $group = null, string $db_group = null): bool { $data = $data ?? $this->data; $data['DBGroup'] = $db_group; $this->loadRuleSets(); $this->loadRuleGroup($group); if (empty($this->rules)) { return false; } $this->rules = $this->fillPlaceholders($this->rules, $data); helper('array'); foreach ($this->rules as $rField => $rSetup) { $rules = $rSetup['rules'] ?? $rSetup; if (is_string($rules)) { $rules = $this->splitRules($rules); } $value = dot_array_search($rField, $data); $fieldNameToken = explode('.', $rField); if (is_array($value) && end($fieldNameToken) === '*') { foreach ($value as $val) { $this->processRules($rField, $rSetup['label'] ?? $rField, $val ?? null, $rules, $data); } } else { $this->processRules($rField, $rSetup['label'] ?? $rField, $value ?? null, $rules, $data); } } return ! empty($this->getErrors()) ? false : true; } ``` 接下来进入这两个方法,我们注意 `$this->loadRuleSets();` ```php $this->loadRuleSets(); $this->loadRuleGroup($group); ``` ```php protected function loadRuleSets() { if (empty($this->ruleSetFiles)) { throw ValidationException::forNoRuleSets(); } foreach ($this->ruleSetFiles as $file) { $this->ruleSetInstances[] = new $file(); } } ``` 这里主要是需要注意,要找一个构造函数不需要传入参数的类,比如 `Config\Database` `loadRuleGroup` 方法比较简单,可以直接返回 接下来来到 `$this->rules = $this->fillPlaceholders($this->rules, $data);` ,这里是一个替换的函数,但我们的参数都是可控的 ,对我们不造成影响,继续往下走,进入 `for` 循环 我们的 `$rules` 不为字符串,就可以绕过这里,然后来到 `dot_array_search($rField, $data);` ```php function dot_array_search(string $index, array $array) { $segments = explode('.', rtrim(rtrim($index, '* '), '.')); return _array_search_dot($segments, $array); } ``` `explode` 以点分割后跟进 `_array_search_dot` ```php function _array_search_dot(array $indexes, array $array) { // Grab the current index $currentIndex = $indexes ? array_shift($indexes) : null; if ((empty($currentIndex) && intval($currentIndex) !== 0) || (! isset($array[$currentIndex]) && $currentIndex !== '*')) { return null; } // Handle Wildcard (*) if ($currentIndex === '*') { ...... } if (empty($indexes)) { return $array[$currentIndex]; } if (is_array($array[$currentIndex]) && $array[$currentIndex]) { return _array_search_dot($indexes, $array[$currentIndex]); } // Otherwise we've found our match! return $array[$currentIndex]; } ``` 这里从 `$indexes` 中取出一个值,需要在 `$array` 中存在以这个值为键的值,不然就会返回 `null` ,接下来 `$indexes` 中没有值就返回,有就继续该操作 由于参数可控,所以返回的值我们是可控的,使其不为数组,那我们就进入 ```php $this->processRules($rField, $rSetup['label'] ?? $rField, $value ?? null, $rules, $data); ``` 这里的参数,全部都是可控的 ```php protected function processRules(string $field, string $label = null, $value, $rules = null, array $data): bool { // If the if_exist rule is defined... if (in_array('if_exist', $rules)) { ...... } if (in_array('permit_empty', $rules)) { ...... } foreach ($rules as $rule) { $callable = is_callable($rule); $passed = false; // Rules can contain parameters: max_length[5] $param = false; if (! $callable && preg_match('/(.*?)\[(.*)\]/', $rule, $match)) { $rule = $match[1]; $param = $match[2]; } // Placeholder for custom errors from the rules. $error = null; // If it's a callable, call and and get out of here. if ($callable) { $passed = $param === false ? $rule($value) : $rule($value, $param, $data); } else { ...... } ...... } return true; } ``` 注意到这个方法中存在 `$rule($value)` ,很明显是可以执行命令的,只要我们可以让参数可控就可以了 我们不进入 `if` 语句,直接来到 `foreach` ,使得 `$rules` 中有一个值是可回调的,这样就可以进入 ```php $passed = $param === false ? $rule($value) : $rule($value, $param, $data); ``` `$rule` 与 `$value` 可控,因此可以命令执行 CodeIgniter4 FD1 ---------------- ### 环境搭建 此环境可用 `CodeIgniter4 RCE2` 的,一摸一样 ### 文件删除调用链 ```php system/Cache/Handlers/FileHandler.php::delete system/Session/Handlers/MemcachedHandler.php::close system/Cache/Handlers/RedisHandler.php::__destruct ``` ### 细节分析 入口还是与上面一样 ```php system/Cache/Handlers/RedisHandler.php public function __destruct() { if ($this->redis) { $this->redis->close(); } } ``` 这里我们就可以调用任意类的 `close` 方法,然后全局搜索可用的 `close` ```php system/Session/Handlers/MemcachedHandler.php public function close(): bool { if (isset($this->memcached)) { isset($this->lockKey) && $this->memcached->delete($this->lockKey); if (! $this->memcached->quit()) { return false; } $this->memcached = null; return true; } return false; } ``` 这时可以调用任意类的 `delete` 方法,并且参数可控,全局搜索 `delete` 我们跟进 `system/Cache/Handlers/FileHandler.php` 的 `delete` 方法 ```php public function delete(string $key) { $key = $this->prefix . $key; return is_file($this->path . $key) && unlink($this->path . $key); } ``` 这里就很明显了,全部都是我们可控的内容 总结 -- 反序列化链还是得自己动手才行,有很多的坑点,这里前两个 `RCE` 其实就是同一个链,只是在不同的版本中,有些细微的差别,第三条的删除链并不在 `PHPGGC` 的列表中,在复现前两条的过程中发现了就写了出来。写的时候有点头昏脑涨,有错误的地方还请大佬们斧正。 文中涉及的环境以及我复现时写的 `poc` 都在这里 [传送门](https://github.com/N0puple/php-unserialize-lib/tree/main/CodeIgniter4)
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